
Couple receives Angel Award

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Burbank residents Greg and Leah Switzer were honored last week in Washington, D.C. as recipients of the 2012 Angels in Adoption Award for the 29th Congressional District, an annual award sponsored by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. Greg and Leah Switzer were nominated by the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley, and selected for this honor by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) earlier this year.

“Greg and Leah have shown themselves to be true angels by adopting siblings Peter, Alex and Elizabeth,” Schiff said. “While too many families are separated by the foster care and adoption process, Greg and Leah’s commitment towards keeping this family together sets an incredible example. By opening their hearts and their home to these three amazing children, they have brought joy to themselves and the community.”

When the Switzers were married in 2000, they were both in their late 40s. After about three years of marriage, they wanted to adopt and determined that their home and lifestyle would be perfect for two children. On Sept. 29, 2007, they attended an adoption fair in Altadena, met a trio of young siblings composed of brothers Peter and Alex and sister Elizabeth, and wanted to adopt them immediately. The children had been living in various foster homes for six years, but it was not until they joined the Switzer family that they found a stable, loving home and parents.

In addition to being a large sibling group, the children had special needs that the Switzer family worked together to overcome. Peter, now 15, is an honors student and active in the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley, and Elizabeth, 13, and Alex, 11, are involved in the youth group at Magnolia Park United Methodist Church in Burbank.

Rep. Schiff is a member of the Congressional Adoption Caucus and welcomes nominations for next year’s award. For information, call (626) 304-2727.

Youth groups can piggyback on fundraiser

Burbank Kiwanis for Fun service club is offering youth groups a chance to make a few bucks by selling tickets to its annual Pancake Breakfast. Kiwanis will split the take with the youngsters. Tickets are $6 and for every ticket sold by youth group members, the Kiwanis will keep $3 to put toward their philanthropies, says member Donna Wade.

The pancake breakfast will be from 8 to 11 a.m. Oct. 27 at UMe Federal Credit Union, 3000 W. Magnolia Blvd.

Proceeds go to the lunch and art programs at BCR “a place to grow”, Schools on Wheels, Burbank Animal Shelter and others.

For more information, call Donna Wade at (818) 846-8487.

Burbank Kiwanis for Fun meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at Hill Street Cafe, 3301 N. Glenoaks Blvd.

Bar & Grill lunch helps youth club

Have lunch and help the Boy & Girls Club while celebrating the Burbank Bar & Grille’s anniversary in downtown Burbank.

The annual event will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Oct. 5 at Burbank Bar & Grille, 112 N. San Fernando Blvd. Tickets are $15 and include lunch, dessert and a beverage. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. For more information, contact Jeudy at (818) 842-9333, ext. 14.

All proceeds go to school and summer scholarships so more youngsters can become a part of this program that offers educational and fun activities.

Since 1995, the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley has touched the lives of more than 4,000 children and their families living in the East Valley. For almost 15 years, the club has grown from one site serving 75 children to 16 sites helping more than 1,150 youth a day. The club offers after-school and summer programs for boys and girls ages 6 to 18 for a fee that fits low-income budgets.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
