
On the Town: Harvest Ball has faith in honorees

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“Whatever our vocation in life, we can sow the seeds of faith by how we conduct ourselves and by keeping God present in our daily lives,” said St. Finbar Parish’s pastor, Father Albert Bahhuth. “Our honorees serve as great role models for us.”

Those honorees — Auxiliary Bishop of the San Fernando Region, the Most Reverend Gerald Wilkerson and Dr. Raul Mena, who serves as the director of the Roy and Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center — were presented with 2012 Harvester of Faith Awards at the 10th annual Harvest Ball held at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center last week.

Bishop Wilkerson, appointed by Pope John Paul II in 1997, oversees 54 parishes, 12 high schools, two hospitals and five missions in the San Fernando Valley. Dr. Mena, who joined the professional staff at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in 1981, has served as both the facility’s chief of medicine and chief of staff.

The event, emceed and chaired by former Burbank Mayor Michael Hastings, honors men and women who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to their faith and community. “Bishop Wilkerson and Dr. Mena are faith-filled individuals and truly exceptional examples of discipleship both here in Burbank, the entire San Fernando Valley, and beyond,” Hastings told the crowd that included Councilman Jess Talamantes and his wife, Sandy, Airport Commissioner Sue Georgino and her husband, Vic, and former mayors, Anja Reinke and Marsha Ramos.

Others who enjoyed the evening and supported the cause included Kathy Hastings, Lauren Ciulla, Dave and Pat Augustine, Mike and Barbara Napolitano, Jack O’Neill, Armond Aghakhanian and Richard and Leila Ramirez.

Staged by the event committee consisting of Mary Adney, Mary Greer, Stephanie Jonke, Allison Knowles, Erica Menke, Lucy Platner and Katie Roth, the proceeds from this year’s Harvest Ball will benefit Saint Finbar’s newly built community center.

DAVID LAURELL can be reached by e-mail or (818) 563-1007.
