
Kiwanis for Fun and the Aktion Club raise funds for convention

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The Kiwanis for Fun and the Aktion Club joined in a fundraising Bowl-A-Thon on Feb. 24 at Pickwick Bowl. Funds raised will help defray costs for the Aktion Club to attend the annual convention.

Those getting the highest scoring games and receiving trophies were, from the Aktion Club, Best Female, Christina Ortiz; and Best Male, Gabriel Pacheco. The guest winners were Best Female, Jamie Killion; and Best Male, Mark Brooks.

Members of the Aktion Club have been busy over the last couple of months, said publicity chairwoman Isabel Adams. They have been making blankets for the Ascencia homeless shelter in Glendale and they also served dinner to clients. They replenished the shelves at Ronald McDonald House with paper goods and canned foods, as well as serving all the residents a nutritious and warm dinner.

They shopped for toys for the Tijuana orphanage that is sponsored by Mayor Dave Golonski. They made Christmas cards for Hands Across the Battlefield, which were sent to our soldiers. They also assisted the Fire Department in greeting the Spark of Love toy train and helped to fill the fire engines with the toys donated for the underprivileged.

They will host another fashion show on Aug. 3, at which they will honor some of our veterans.


JOYCE RUDOLPH can be contacted at
