
Community: Baby, it’s hot outside but social events signal autumn

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Despite the warm weather, groups around town are placing an autumn theme on their fundraisers, including the Emblem Club #86, which has supported Burbank charities for 75 years.

Elaine Paonessa, sharing co-chair responsibilities with Barbara Maslyk, welcomed those attending the “Fall into Fashion” luncheon at the Elks Lodge. Groups filling whole tables were the Burbank Beauties, a social club of the Red Hat Society; Burbank’s La Providencia Guild of Los Angeles Children’s Hospital and the Patricians Travel Group.

Funds raised go to charities that support the developmentally disabled, mentally challenged and hearing impaired. The club also provides scholarships for high school seniors and donates to the Burbank Salvation Army, Burbank Temporary Aid Center, BCR “a place to grow” and programs with the Burbank Police and Fire departments.

Kay Palotay, of RV Casuals in Banning, was fashion show commentator. She said the RV, or recreational vehicle, is her favorite mode of travel. She sells women’s clothing and specializes in accessories for the Red Hat Society, a women’s friendship group. Items are available at her shop and at campgrounds she visits.

Modeling were Emblem President Joanne Vallone and members Peggy Foltz, Ramona Higgins, Roseann Mecca, Malena Tappan and Renee Kregler, who modeled a blouse-and-pant set in black with red flowers and a long dress with a multicolored jacket.

“This is my first time modeling and it’s kind of fun,” she said. “And this event is so great because it raises money for all the wonderful things we do in Burbank.”

Escorts for the models were Burbank Elks Lodge 1497 Exalted Ruler John Coyle and Trustee Howard Rothenbach.

Alumni honors four beloved educators

A group of high school grads have earned a 4.0 when it comes to connecting those who attended or taught at the crosstown rivals — Burbank and John Burroughs high schools.

I’m talking about the steering committee members of the Burbank Burroughs Alumni Assn., who organize quarterly mixers to honor past and present teachers and administrators while raising scholarships funds for graduating seniors.

Retirees Leon Frankamp and Bill Larson and present teachers Greg Everhart and Bonnie Burrow were recognized during a recent mixer at the Veterans of Foreign Wars headquarters.

Alumni President Joanne Lento Miller welcomed everyone, and Connie Barron Trimble read the honorees accomplishments.

Frankamp began teaching at Burroughs High in 1963 and, after one year, he transferred to Burbank High School, where he remained until he retired in 1989. He was a football and basketball coach and taught science, driver’s education and photography.

Everhart, who is Frankamp’s grandson, was born and raised in Burbank, and graduated from Burroughs before earning his teaching degree at Cal State Northridge. He teaches math and algebra and is the golf coach at Burroughs.

Larson started with the district in 1964. He taught for four years at Burbank High and transferred to the Anaheim school district for one year, then returned to the Burbank district and taught at Burroughs from 1970 to 1980. He taught biology, Spanish and driver’s education and was a football coach. He worked as a counselor at Burbank High and the district office, serving in many capacities before retiring in 2001.

Burrow worked as a photographer for the Burbank Daily Review and continued when the publication became the Burbank Leader. She was a substitute teacher for the Burbank Unified district in the mid-1980s. She worked at the Adult School in 2008. She then took a long-term assignment as a substitute for photography teacher Tim Brehm and moved into the photography teacher position full time when Brehm retired.

Retired dentist celebrates centennial birthday

Robert Baba, a retired dentist, celebrated his 100th birthday on Sept. 2. He grew up in the San Joaquin Valley and served as a medic in Italy during World War II.

After the war, with help from the GI Bill, he attended Loyola University Dental School in Chicago. He then lived in the La Mirada-Whittier area from 1957 to 2009.

Baba had a dental practice, specializing in dentistry for children, from 1957 to 1992. He moved to Burbank in 2009 to live with his daughter, Ann Baba Newman.

His daughter, caregiver and other family members now take him to various senior activities in Burbank. He especially loves chair exercise classes at the Joslyn Adult Center and music activities at Don Tuttle Senior Center. He is also a regular diner at many local restaurants.

His daughter said she thinks the kindness and friendship he receives from Burbank residents and businesses help keep him happy and healthy.

JOYCE RUDOLPH can be reached at
