
Sunrise Kiwanis all business over holidays

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Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and that Santa was good to you. It is hard to believe that with this column I complete my third year as your service club reporter, and that the February column will mark the beginning of my fourth year serving you. It has been a lot of fun to get to know you and have the opportunity to report all the wonderful things you do for our community.


Burbank Sunrise Kiwanis’ annual events have kept them busy during the past few months. They went grocery and gift shopping for 12 needy families during the holidays. Also, the club volunteered to man the Red Kettle for the Salvation Army at Vons/Pavilions for an entire Saturday at both doors. Another annual event was to join all the Kiwanis Division 16 clubs to cook and serve lunch and dinner to the volunteers who decorated many of the 2011 Pasadena Tournament of Roses floats, including the Kiwanis International Float.

The Burbank Sunrise Kiwanis Club is full-speed ahead on planning the annual Mayors’ Cup Golf Tournament, which will be a very special one this year because they are joining in the celebration of the city of Burbank’s Centennial year of incorporation. All mayors from the past 100 years who are still living will be invited to attend this event as well as other festivities. Come out and join the fun! The Golf Tournament will be on Friday, April 29. For more information, contact Golf Chairman Mike Caggiano at (818) 378-8627 or stop by any of their club meetings.

The Burbank Sunrise Kiwanis club meets at 7 a.m. every Wednesday at the DeBell Clubhouse. For more information, contact Donna Anderson at (818) 238-5880 or at


The Burbank Kiwanis For Fun Club was very busy during December. In conjunction with the Aktion Club, they visited some of our convalescent homes to sing Christmas carols and bring cheer to the residents with beautiful poinsettia plants. They also serenaded the firefighters at the Orange Grove station and presented them with cookies they baked. The Aktion club loves our firefighters, and it appears to be mutual.

The club donated 58 children’s bike helmets to the Burbank Police Department. This is an annual gift that the club feels is important so that our police can keep needy children safe while they ride their bikes.

With members of the Aktion club, they took a pantry order (around $500 worth of groceries and paper goods) to Ronald McDonald House in Los Angeles, as well as 100 chemotherapy caps for the children with cancer who have lost their hair during treatment, which they and the Aktion club had crocheted or knitted. They also cooked and served dinner for about 65 family members living at the house.

The club found out about a mother with three daughters who was in desperate need. They provided Christmas gifts for all of them and bought a refrigerator, and managed to round up additional help for them through their friends.

Burbank Kiwanis For Fun meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at the Hill Street Café, 3301 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank. For more information, contact Jan Loporchio at (818) 843-0535 or at

Isabel Adams can be reached at (818) 842-7359 or at
