
New members join Foothill Civitans

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Our Foothill Civitan friends have been keeping busy with different causes. After initiating three new members — Ann Marie Coppen, Muguet Fonteboa and Judy Torres — during their Awards and Installation in September, they have hit the floor running.

They were out in force to assist with the SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Walk. The SMA Walk, they were told, raised about $75,000. Early in the first quarter they launched their first Internet fundraising project for “Operation Phone Home.” Their net profit was $700, with which they bought “Phone Home” phone cards for our deployed troops.

They also raised funds by participating in a recycling project. Foothill members assisted with the silent auction for BCR “a place to grow” during their holiday program. Another group of Foothill Civitan members served punch and doughnuts to participants at BCR’s TYRO Holiday dance.

As usual during the Christmas holidays, they adopted three families through the Burbank Coordinating Council, providing them with food and gifts. And at their own holiday party, instead of the normal gift exchange, members brought children’s gifts that were then donated to the Salvation Army Burbank Corps.

Their Fashion Show committee is busy planning their big fundraising event scheduled for May 7 at the Castaway Restaurant. More about that later.

The Foothill Civitan Club meets at 7 p.m. on the second (at the Tuttle Center) and fourth (at Gordon Biersch) Tuesday of the month. For more information, contact Karen Hubbard at (818) 434-6754 or at


Burbank Noon Lions support training for students to develop leadership skills. When he was no longer playing Wyatt Earp on TV, actor Hugh O’Brien became involved in recognizing skills and leadership training for students across the country. Believing that the leaders of tomorrow need to be groomed today, O’Brien started the Hugh O’Brien Youth Foundation (HOBY).

HOBY established a relationship with Lion Clubs International, which enabled many students to attend the weekend leadership conference by virtue of funding provided by local Lions clubs. The Burbank Noon Lions participated in HOBY for the first time in 2004 working with students at Burbank High School.

Three Burbank High School students and Career Advisor Karina Veras recently attended a Lions Club meeting to share their HOBY experiences. Past participants, selected by counselors for leadership qualities, Alex Amelia and Eunice Jun discussed how they have benefitted from their HOBY leadership weekend conference. Andy Chung, who will attend the conference in June this year, discussed his interest and area of focus in a green environment.

Working together to do a communitywide service project is part of the HOBY experience. Selected sophomores and juniors from high schools all over California attend the conference on a college campus and stay in dorms for the weekend experience.

The Burbank Noon Lions Club meets at noon the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Holiday Inn Carousel Restaurant, 150 E. Angeleno Ave., Burbank. For more information contact Marva Murphy at (818) 955-8018 or


The Kiwanis Club of Burbank is getting ready for their Gala, which will be held this year on June 4 at the Lakeside Golf Club in Toluca Lake.

This year they will be honoring the Burbank Health Care Foundation and its Vice Chairman, Sunder Ramani. The Burbank Health Care Foundation, formerly the Burbank Community Hospital Foundation, is a grant-giving organization and provides financial assistance to nonprofit organizations. In addition the foundation has expanded its grant-giving function to include medically related scholarships.

This year’s Gala is going to be a Spirit of Americana as we celebrate Burbank’s 100th year. The club has raised more than half a million dollars for a multitude of local charities and programs. For information, contact event chairwoman Marsha Jackson at (818) 767-7756.

The Kiwanis Club of Burbank meets at noon Wednesdays at the Burbank Community YMCA, 321 E. Magnolia Ave., Burbank. For more information, contact Cynthia Faust at (818) 242-2261 or at

Isabel Adams can be reached at (818) 842-7359 or at
