
Charity league seeks mother-daughter teams

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The Burbank chapter of National Charity League, Inc. is looking for mothers and daughters to join the organization.

The chapter is hoping to recruit as many Burbank mother and daughter teams as possible.

The membership drive is open to current sixth through ninth grade girls who would participate in a six-year program of philanthropic work, educational activities and cultural events.

Founded in 1960, the Burbank chapter of National Charity League has more than 60 mother-daughter teams.

Each year, the chapter provides over 12,000 hours of community service to 27 different charities in Burbank and Los Angeles.

Organizations that benefit from NCL’s volunteers include the Burbank Community Kids Dental Clinic, Burbank Center for the Retarded and the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.

New members would be officially inducted into the organization at a tea this spring.

Anyone interested in joining NCL should visit or

