
Fifth replacement airport terminal workshop builds on ‘robust framework’

Hollywood Burbank Airport charrette
About 70 residents and stakeholders were at the Castaway restaurant on Wednesday to review suggestions about how a replacement terminal at Hollywood Burbank Airport should look and the amenities it should have.
(Anthony Clark Carpio/Burbank Leader)
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After about seven months of public input, officials with the consulting firm MIG Inc. said they think they have more than enough information to create a set of guidelines for a new, 14-gate replacement terminal at Hollywood Burbank Airport.

About 70 local residents and stakeholders gathered at the Castaway restaurant in Burbank Wednesday night to review all of the input that has been given to MIG Inc. since March regarding how the 355,000-square-foot terminal should be designed and what amenities it should have.

Topics reviewed included the architectural style of the new terminal, the layout of the facility, the types of materials to be used and what kinds of landscaping it should have.

Participants also went over how wayfinding, or signage and other information that will guide passengers and visitors around the terminal, should be implemented.

In addition, they discussed types of food options that should be available, whether enclosed jet ways should be used instead of outdoor ramps when boarding and exiting planes, and how art can be incorporated inside the facility.

Daniel Iacofano, chief executive of MIG Inc., said the goal of Wednesday’s workshop, the fifth of six which officials have been calling charrettes, wasn’t just to give those participating a chance to double-check their suggestions but to allow them to provide additional information and new thoughts.

“We now have a fairly robust framework to be able to place everything, so it’s a lot easier to find those places where something might need a little more embellishment and a little more description,” he said.

The final outcome of the workshops, Iacofano said, is to create a set of guidelines for a designer to use when developing the architectural plans for the new facility.

“It’s been very important for us to not box the designer in,” he said. “This is going to be a guidance document. It’s reflective of ideas and thoughts and visions of what this terminal could be.”

Burbank resident Janet Diel, a member of the Burbank Advisory Council on Disabilities, was one of the participants at the workshop, and she spent most of her time letting consultants know the importance of making the new terminal as functional and accessible as possible for people with disabilities.

“There needs to be real-world usability,” Diel said. “It means that someone who is not disabled and some[one] that is disabled can both use the facility and comfortably get from the curb, through security, to our gates and on our planes.”

MIG Inc. and airport officials will host the last workshop at 9 a.m. on Oct. 26 at Hollywood Burbank Airport.

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