
Burbank police report DUI arrests up, crashes down

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The number of alcohol- and drug-related car crashes dropped in 2013 when compared to the previous year, while the number of arrests made for driving under the influence spiked, police reported this week.

In 2013, there were 557 drunk or drugged driving arrests, up from 386 the year before, said Burbank Police Sgt. Darin Ryburn.

Meanwhile, there were 86 impaired-driving collisions last year, 26 of which resulted in injuries, down from 107 collisions in 2012, 36 of which resulted in injuries, Ryburn added.

Authorities attributed the trend to increased education efforts and enforcement, including screening thousands of drivers at three DUI checkpoints throughout last year.

In October, the department received a $32,400 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to conduct sobriety checkpoints, which authorities say help prevent deaths and injuries on city roadways.

In December, 600 motorists were screened for signs of intoxication at a grant-funded checkpoint at Glenoaks Boulevard and Alameda Avenue. No drivers were arrested.

The state grant will also fund two checkpoints — one in the spring and the other in the summer.

In 2013, there were two fatal car wrecks in Burbank, which together claimed the lives of six people.

That includes the single-vehicle drunk-driving crash that killed five young people in September.

The year before, there were two fatal crashes that left two people dead.

Police reported one fatal pedestrian accident last year, down from two the year before. No bike fatalities were reported in the last two years, police said.

Follow Alene Tchekmedyian on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.


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