
School’s Social Justice Club seeks to better the environment

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Members of Burbank High’s Social Justice Club held their first “Environmental Week” on campus earlier this month, in which they rallied students to plant drought-resistant succulents and plants.

They also set up booths during lunch to teach peers about ocean pollution and encourage them to create art from recycled materials.

“We looked to start a trend that involved bringing together teachers, [the student government], administration and, most importantly, students, in the hope of creating a more united, socially engaged school,” said Joshua Cho, the club’s vice president.

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Students met after school one afternoon to plant succulents and grass in what’s known as “Bulldog Alley,” an outside corridor which is popular with students and located near the cafeteria.

“We chose this location because, while it is frequented by many students, grass there had become overgrown and mostly left alone. We thought that by planting drought-tolerate plants there, we could help beautify our campus while promoting environmental sustainability,” said Sam Gorman, the club’s president.

Twitter: @kellymcorrigan
