
Burbank graduate raises funds for Kemp-Kallem Field

Burbank High School principal Michael Bertram, right, holds out an image of a plaque to share with Randy Arrington, center, as Frank Kellem, left, listens during a meeting of Burbank Unified's facilities-naming committee.
(Tim Berger / Burbank Leader)
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In what will have been just a little over a year, a recommendation made by Burbank High School graduate Randy Arrington will turn from wishful thinking into a dream come true.

The former resident and current chair of Burbank Unified’s facilities-naming committee announced recently that on May 4 there will be a ceremony to christen Burbank High’s main athletic field as Kemp-Kallem Field after former longtime Burbank High teachers and coaches Dave Kemp and Frank Kallem.

“I have a tremendous amount of respect for both men,” Arrington said. “They’re both educators, coaches and icons in this community and are deserving of such honors.”

Arrington suggested the name change during a Burbank Unified board meeting on April 19. He was then selected to serve on a new facilities-naming committee on Sept. 20 and was appointed chair of the committee during its first meeting on Oct. 24, when the committee voted for adoption of Kemp-Kallem Field.

That recommendation was heard by the school board, which held a public hearing on Nov. 15 and then voted to support the name change on Dec. 20.

Everything fell into place for Arrington, except for one little detail.

“We can sure use some money, and I’m hoping to cover the costs by fundraising,” he said.

Arrington plans to have a sculpted plaque sit in a monument near the stairs leading to the field. He also wants to change the sign above the scoreboard, host a celebration ceremony and place a framed, blown-up newspaper article in the school’s hall of fame.

Because the district is not providing any funding, Arrington is on the hook for the price tag and has set up a PayPal account,, to raise funds.

“All funding is totally outside the district, and we want the public to know that,” board member Charlene Tabet said. “Randy set up a PayPal account and now the fundraising and planning is left up to him and [Burbank High Principal Michael] Bertram.”

Arrington said he’s already paid just a little under $4,500 for a 36-inch-by-24-inch Imagecast 3-D plaque.

“It’s a metal sculpture, not just the pictures,” Arrington said. “So the quality is much better.”

Arrington has received estimates of approximately $1,000 to replace the placard atop the school scoreboard that currently reads “Burbank Bulldogs,” which will be swapped with “Kemp-Kallem Field.”

Arrington has yet to find an estimate for the newspaper image but has secured some help for the upcoming ceremony.

According to Arrington, Joanne Lento Miller, president of the Burbank-Burroughs Alumni Assn., has agreed to donate and provide refreshments for the celebration.

As for further planning, Arrington has been working with Bertram.

“Randy is handling most of that, and I’m just kind of like a ‘yes’ man,” Bertram said. “He tells me what he wants to do, and I’ll tell him, ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

Bertram added, “One thing I am working on is a pedestal to mount the plaque down by the weight room next to the other donor towers. So I’m helping with that and the sign above the scoreboard.”

Arrington said he will pay out of pocket whatever fundraising doesn’t cover.

“The goal is to raise as much money as we can,” Arrington said. “I believe the community will come out to support these two inspirations.”

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