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NORTHWEST DISTRICT -- Teachers Chris Copeland and Bonnie Becken asked

their third-grade students at Thomas Edison Elementary School to write

what they are thankful for this year. The students had no trouble coming

up with a wide range of reasons to count their blessings this

Thanksgiving. Here’s what a few of them had to say:

I am thankful for the food on my plate because you need food. I am

thankful for my family and friends because my friends and family help me

a lot and I help them. I am thankful for plants because animals need to

eat plants. I am thankful for the pilgrims for making it through the big



I am thankful for the sun and the sky and oxygen.


Because I can serve my little cousin some food. Then I can serve my

little brother. I will feed my dog some turkey. Sometimes I cut the

turkey for my family. I’m thankful for my dog and my mom. I’m thankful

for going to church. I’m thankful for all the wonderful things they got

me. I’m thankful for having the Earth. I’m thankful for everything.


I’m thankful for my freedom so I can be anything I want to be. I am

thankful because I have my family. I’m happy that I am on a soccer team.

I’m glad that I have a house. I’m thankful for everything.


I am grateful when I can visit my grandpa and grandma’s house because

I get to go to Burger King every night. I am grateful for my family

because they love me. I’m also thankful for my brother because I can play

with him. These are the things I am grateful for.


I just woke up on a Saturday morning. I get dressed and then I eat. I

am thankful for food or I would be hungry. On my way to the kitchen, I

see my brother David. I am thankful for David or there would be no one to

play with while my mom and dad are working... I am thankful for my mom

and dad or no one would watch out for me or take care of me. I am

thankful for my friends or no one will support me when I’m not with my

family. I’m still skateboarding and every time my friends and I

skateboard, we skate to my grandma’s house and she gives us snacks. I am

thankful for my grandma or I would have no one that reads to me all the

Dr. Seuss books. I am thankful for everyone or life wouldn’t be fun.


I am thankful for my frogs. I am thankful for my baseball team. I am

thankful for my family. I am thankful for my talents. I am thankful for

my church. I am thankful for my food. I am thankful for my school. And I

am thankful for my friends.


I am thankful for learning from my teacher because it makes me smart.

I’m thankful for the good dinner I have because it gives me energy. I am

thankful for God because he made this beautiful world. I’m thankful for

the wonderful neighborhood that we have around us.


I am thankful for when my cousins come for Thanksgiving because I only

get to see them sometimes. I get to spend time with my family. I also am

thankful for the food we get to eat, and the Indians that helped the

Pilgrims live.


I am thankful for the day of Thanksgiving because you can eat some

turkey and you can eat turkey with your neighborhood too or with your

family. Also you can eat with your wife too.


I am thankful for bugs and insects because I collect them and I think

they’re really cool. When I’m bored I like to take them out for fresh

air. But I keep them away from the dog. I am lucky my parents let me

keep them.


I am thankful for my cousins because they play with me a lot. I am

also thankful for my teacher Mrs. Becken because she is a nice teacher. I

am also thankful for my family because they get toys and clothes for me

because I care for them and they care for me.


I am thankful for my family because they help me when I get hurt. If I

fall down and I get cut and I’m starting to bleed, my family will help me

up and put a Band Aid over the cut. If I put my hand through a window my

family will rush me to the emergency room. I love to play with all my

animals, especially my leopard gecko.


I am glad because I have a dog. I’m really happy because I have a

family and I’m not an orphan. I’m thankful when I eat. I’m glad because

my dad bought a bunch of video games for my Sony PlayStation. I’m

thankful because I have a lot of cousins and grandparents and two


