
Noon Lions sponsoring art contest for kids

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Anh Nguyen

BURBANK -- Burbank students can help promote peace thorough art.

The 12th Annual International Peace Poster Contest, “A New Beginning

for Peace,” will accept original artwork from children 11 to 13 until

Jan. 6.

Sponsored by the Burbank Noon Lions Club, the contest guidelines are

available at Burbank middle schools and the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank.

All entries are judged on their interpretation of the contest theme,

artistic merit and originality.

The winner of the contest will receive $2,500 and a trip to for three

to Hawaii to attend the International Lions Convention in June, Lions

officials said. There will be 23 merit award winners selected who will

receive $500 each.

Locally, all participants will receive a prize and the top entry will

win the artist a $50 savings bond, officials said. Work of the Burbank

students will be displayed after the competition at the Burbank Public

