
Historic preservation plan passes

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Paul Clinton

CIVIC CENTER -- The City Council passed a comprehensive preservation

plan Tuesday that will give owners of historical properties greater

financial incentives to restore their buildings.

With unanimous approval, the city accepted the provisions of the

federal Mills Act, which offers cash incentives to help defray the costs

of restoration.

The plan also calls for the Burbank Heritage Commission to have more

input when the city reviews a new development that includes properties

with historical value.

Although support for the plan was universal, council members said

there were still some kinks to iron out.

“We have to be conscientious about watching it,” Councilman David

Laurell said, “but I think it’s a good thing for the city.”

One of the plan’s more controversial recommendations was put off for

future discussion. Under that provision, the city would modify an

ordinance that prohibits the heritage commission from researching

historic buildings without the property owner’s permission.

“I think they view it as trampling on the property owner’s rights,”

said commission chairman Craig Bullock.

Bullock acknowledged it will be tough to get the provision through,

but said he was grateful the council approved the main components of the

34-page plan.

“It finally makes the city recognize the importance of preservation,

that it does have value,” Bullock said. “I think were moving in the right


In approving the plan, the council also approved the creation of a

city register listing properties that have been placed on the National

Register of Historic Places.
