
How well do you know our city?

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Bob Kramer


Whether you aced or flunked the earlier quizzes, today I want to give

you another opportunity to test your knowledge of our city. If you get

them all correct you are a true civic genius.

1. In 1999, our city has how many employees?

a. 1,050

b. 1,250

c. 1,350

2. In 1904, James Jeffries, the heavyweight boxing champion of the

world bought a ranch at Victory and Buena Vista. After his death in

1953, where was his barn moved?

a. Burbank Historical Society

b. Knott’s Berry Farm

c. Disneyland

3. How many square miles is the City of Burbank?

a. 17

b. 13

c. 9

4. At one time there was thought of moving a major university to the

Burbank hills. What school was it?


b. USC

c. Cal State Northridge

5. What is the approximate 1999-2000 Fiscal Year budget for Burbank?

a. $272,000,000

b. $352,000,000

c. $427,000,000

6. When was the Burbank Post Office on Olive Avenue opened?

a. 1927 b. 1946 c. 1938 7. What is the population of our city?

a. 105,000

b. 102,000

c. 99,000

8. What was the first bank in Burbank?

a. Burbank State Bank

b. Farmers Cooperative Bank

c. Wells-Fargo

9. What is the biggest source of revenue for the city?

a. sales tax

b. property tax

c. utility users tax

d. federal taxes

10. Which service club was the first to come to Burbank?

a. Kiwanis

b. Rotary

c. Optimists

11. What is the yearly budget of our Fire Department?

a. $22,000,000

b. $14,000,000

c. $17,000,000

12. What is the yearly budget of our Police Department?

a. $27,000,000

b. $16,000,000

c. $34,000,000

13. In 1927, how many telephones were in service in Burbank?

a. 1,996

b. 1,430

c. 1,015

14. How many businesses operate in our city today?

a. 2,200

b. 4,000

c. 6,000

15. The Thomas Jefferson, Monterey, and Robert Louis Stevenson schools

were all built when? a. 1942

b. 1948 c. 1952 16. How many full-time jobs are there in Burbank?

a. 49,000

b. 62,000

c. 90,000

17. What is the budget for the Park and Recreation Department?

a. $17,000,000

b. $25,000,000

c. $12,000,000

18. Most people know the AMC Theatre on Palm Avenue will soon be torn

down. How many screens will be in the new theater across the street?

a. 16

b. 22

c. 20

19. The City’s Housing Division used to be on the first floor of City

Hall. Where is it now?

a. Municipal Services Building

b. Cal-Fed Building

c. Wells Fargo Building

20. The Public Information Office used to be in the Central Library.

Where has it moved?

a. City Hall

b. Buena Vista Library

c. Wells Fargo Building

Answers: 1=c, 2=b, 3=a, 4=a, 5=b, 6=c, 7=a, 8=a, 9=a, 10=a, 11=c,

12=a, 13=a, 14=c, 15=b, 16= c, 17=c, 18=a, 19=c, 20=a BOB KRAMER is a Burbank City Councilman. Reach him at 238-7950.
