
Woodbury names new V.P. of student affairs

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Irma Lemus

HILLSIDE DISTRICT -- Former Ivy League administrator Heemanshu M.

Bhagat has been appointed vice president for student affairs at Woodbury


Bhagat, who took office in early October, returned to school

administration after completing his doctorate in higher education from

the University of Toledo in Ohio, school officials said. He will oversee

all aspects of student life at the university including career services,

student activities, health services, new student orientation and campus


“Heemanshu’s extensive experience in all aspects of student affairs

will be an important asset in building upon Woodbury’s tradition of

making the student experience a success,” said Woodbury University

President Kenneth R. Nielsen.

Bhagat has more than 15 years experience in student affairs, serving

most recently as vice president and dean for student affairs at Adrian

College in Adrian, Mich. He also held posts at Kent State University in

Ohio and Cornell University in New York.

The new vice president said he preferred working at smaller

universities and turned down a position at UC Berkeley in order to take

over student affairs at Woodbury University.

“Smaller schools offer administrators the opportunity to interact with

students more frequently. At bigger schools, contact with students

becomes constricted and it takes a while for policy to pass the many

committees,” said Bhagat.
