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Frosh athletes left out

This letter is in regard to the John Burroughs High School Freshman

Football Team. I am assuming that you are aware that the freshman team

finished their season with an 8-2 record, yet not once did The Leader

ever mention this outstanding team in any columns. The only time this

team was ever mentioned in the Leader was in a letter by varsity coach

Knoop who praised them for their outstanding record and the way they

played together as a team. These boys may only be freshmen but they

deserve to be acknowledged for the outstanding job that they have done.

Is it too much to ask that there be articles on freshman teams?

Believe it or not there are people in this community that are

interested in freshman sports, for they indicate to us the future of our

junior varsity and varsity programs. I believe the change has started for

the glory days to return to Burroughs Football. Let’s try to support all

our programs (freshman, junior varsity, and varsity).



Tables turned on conspiracy theorist

This morning our breakfast and newspaper reading were interrupted when

our jaws dropped. That’s not pleasant when scrambled eggs is on the menu.

But we were so stunned by Stan Hyman’s long-winded sarcasm about a recent

column by Will Rogers that neither of us could believe it (“Conspiracy

theories lead to strange places,” Nov. 10). Hyman basically charged that

Rogers is claiming there’s a big conspiracy, and he made that one point

over and over through many juvenile jokes about Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis.

Rogers did not write that the Berlins are part of a conspiracy. We

went down to the Burbank Library this afternoon and made a copy of the

Rogers’ column just to make sure we remembered correctly. Rogers wrote

that five council members believe the Berlins have worked against them in

many different ways. Rogers didn’t say it. The council members did and he

relayed that. He also reported the Berlins denying it. Maybe the fact

that people heard a council member call one of the Berlins a weasel

supports what Rogers said are the council members feelings?

We only know one council member well enough to talk on a semi-personal

basis. But we have done what Stan Hyman obviously has not done. We asked

if Rogers accurately described the council’s opinions. We were told he


But what had our jaws dropping was Hyman mocking someone for making

unfounded accusations of a conspiracy. Those accusations weren’t made,

but isn’t this the same Stan Hyman who talks at almost every council

meeting to accuse everyone in City Hall of secret deals, secret meetings

and more plots than anyone can shake a stick at? Isn’t this the same Stan

Hyman who claps and joins in when his friends accuse city officials of

stealing and secretly helping the enemy, working on secret agendas and

even of being worse than Adolph Hitler? Isn’t this the same Stan Hyman

who says without any proof that there are many city hall conspiracies?

The way Stan Hyman talks every week, you would think Bill Wiggins has

Jimmy Hoffa buried in his basement, that Richard Nixon plotted with Bob

Kramer and Mayor Stacey Murphy is dating Elvis!

Hyman asked Rogers for proof of what council members think the Berlins

have been up to. But this year illegal campaign literature was pasted all

over the city urging voters to vote for Ted McConkey, the man Hyman

endorsed. The fliers also told voters to not read Will Rogers or the

Burbank Leader. It was signed by Citizens United of Burbank, a group

funded by Hyman and his wife. But Hyman says there is no “proof” CUB was

involved in that material. (Not the same as saying CUB didn’t do it.)

Real proof isn’t enough when Stanley Hyman and his friends are caught

at something. But zero proof is good enough when Hyman and his friends

accuse other people. The double standard is obvious and offensive.

If Elvis is still with us, even he has more credibility than Stan




City workers asleep on the job

Your article regarding increasing Burbank’s city workers salaries

forces me to verbally vent to release my frustrations, even though it

will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears, namely Burbank’s City Council members

(No deal, no raise for city workers,” Nov. 6)

Councilman Bob Kramer was concerned that, unless an increase in pay is

approved, the city may be forced to hire unqualified workers. I sincerely

doubt they could do any worse than what we already have!

Anyone who has tried to contact the Burbank City Maintenance

Department can attest to the frustration of first, reaching the person

they need to speak with; second, confirming a date for the work to be

performed; third, trying to reschedule the appointment that was canceled

due to other obligations; and fourth, the performance of the work itself.

It is possible that the workers are capable of performing the work at

hand (i.e.: street maintenance and/or tree trimming; the latter which

appears now to be contracted out to a private company); however, their

“standard operating procedure” progresses similar to the following: three

trucks and a crew arrive and park at the work area, gather around and

talk for a few minutes, everyone gets into one truck and goes to the

Coral Cafe or Corner Cottage for breakfast, return to the job site and

start working, two people watch for each one that works, take a half hour

break at 10:00 a.m., work for another hour and then break for lunch on

the shadiest lawn available, work another hour before taking another

break, work one more hour and then return to the city yard. If,

perchance, you happen to finish early, park the truck on a quiet shady

side street and sleep until it’s time to return to the yard.

I think the City Council needs to take a hard look at how the

departments operate and who is in charge. Instead of paying the workers

more, they should fire all existing supervisors and hire people who will

do what their job entails ... supervise! If they want to pay more money

to the workers, keep those who are willing to work for their eight hours

of pay and dismiss the rest. At that rate, they will only need half the

employees and raise might not seem so outrageous.

As for the workers who threaten to leave city employ unless they

receive an increase, I dare them to find a job that pays anywhere near

what they are already receiving, plus benefits, for the amount of work

they are presently required to perform!



Council prayers bring perspective

I wanted to express my appreciation to the members of the Burbank City

Council for their stand regarding an invocation before meetings. Activist

Irv Rubin obviously isn’t concerned about the welfare of Burbank

residents, because he has also confronted the cities of Arcadia, Rosemead

and Duarte with similar threats. Sadly, he is just another in a long line

of activists trying to impose his own agenda on our city council.

Considering the great challenges and struggles facing city governments

today, a sense of humility before a greater source than ourselves is a

wonderfully refreshing and positive statement about the priorities of our




A good turn

I would like to publicly thank the kind and considerate person who

retrieved my black metal cane from the shopping cart at Save On at San

Fernando Boulevard and Alameda Avenue on Nov. 16. and turned it in the

the store personnel.

Thank you.


