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We are in total agreement with Rabbi Paula Reimers’ statements in the

Dec. 1 issue of the Leader (“A question of prayer”).

How could any of us disagree that we certainly need some divine

guidance in our lives, including public City Council meetings? Activist

Rubin perhaps is not aware that our City Council looks to the Burbank

Ministerial Association for leaders of all religious affiliations to open

meetings with a prayer.

By the way, having been to many John Burroughs High School music

presentations, they do include “Chanukah” as well as other cultural

pieces in their programs.

We say keep prayer as part of the agenda in council meetings.



Thank you for the editorial about prayer at City Council meetings

(“Prayer protest raises questions,” Dec 1). While Irv Rubin’s message is

somewhat radical, there is an important issue here.

I am not against prayer at City Council meetings, but I would prefer

it to be nondenominational. If the invocation is intended only for the

religious preference of our City Council members, then let them receive

it in private before the meeting with the citizens of Burbank. However,

if the prayer is intended to benefit the audience, and TV viewers as

well, then they must be sensitive to the diversity in our city.

I attended a City Council meeting with my teenage son. When I heard

the name of Jesus Christ used in the prayer I was surprised and somewhat

insulted, since I am not of the Christian faith. I kept my surprise to

myself, however.

What astonished me more was the reaction of my son, who said it wasn’t

fair that it was a Christian prayer when there could have been people of

other religions in the audience at the meeting.

I have attended other functions where an invocation was performed by a

minister or other religious leader of the Christian faith. They were

always sensitive to the fact that members of other religions could be in

their audience, and gave inspirational messages without invoking the name

of Jesus.

My rabbi, Mark Sobel, gave an invocation at the recent “This is How

Burbank Works” celebration, and again, it was inspirational without being

offensive to other religions.

If the City Council wants to keep open prayer in the meetings, let it

be nondenominational, or, if that is out of the question, then let it be

said in private.



I was pleased to read the city’s response to the comments made at the

council meeting Nov. 23 (“City defends council prayers,” Nov. 27).

Fortunately, Mr. Rubin’s reputation has preceded him. I categorize Mr.

Rubin more of a rabble rouser than an activist. Most of us are familiar

with his activities and in my opinion he has done more to foster

anti-Semitism than he cures. It’s a shame he can find nothing more

constructive to do with his time.

I was amused, however, that Mr. Rubin fits in perfectly with a number

of the other resident and nonresident malcontents who regularly address

the Council with their laughable expertise on various subjects.

On another subject, a speaker referred to the silent majority which

the malcontents (particularly Ted McConkey and his cronies) would like to

believe do not exist or, at best, are ineffective. It was that “silent

majority” that bounced McConkey out of office and it is that same “silent

majority” that will assure that all the Tuesday evening pseudo-experts

will not have their way.



Officials deserve credit for pursuing airport solution

Any day now I’m expecting a volunteer to knock on my door with the

Burbank Airport Petition to sign. I’m going to tell him or her, that a

“Cast in Concrete” initiative allows no flexibility in negotiations which

is what this process is going to need.

In addition to the initiative, Bob Kramer wants an advisory vote and

they haven’t even decided on the wording yet.

By the time the voting takes place on both ballot measures we might be

further along on the negotiations, making both outdated.

Now we have a supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky chiming in and repeating what

the three Los Angeles congressmen have already said about the flights

over their districts. Where have they been? - “Out to Lunch.” Any L.A.

Politician that is complaining should have contributed input sooner

instead of playing the political game now.

The city of Los Angeles was asked in 1977 to participate in the

ownership of the airport. They declined. That was great foresight. Now we

hear from them 22 years later.

I give Mayor Stacey Murphy and Vice Mayor Dave Golonski credit in

pursuing the negotiations despite the obstacles, which seems to be

getting more numerous as time goes by.


Burbank A matter of timing

While most of the Earth’s population is madly celebrating the new

millennium, one year before it starts, I shall be quietly celebrating the

start of the last year of the 20th century.

William Shakespeare had just right, about 400 years ago, when he said,

“What fools these mortals be!”


