
Rogan focuses on Social Security

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Irma Lemus

HILLSIDE DISTRICT-- Protecting Social Security by getting rid of the

political fighting was the focus of a Tuesday speech by Rep. James Rogan

at the Castaway Restaurant.

Speaking to a gathering of Burbank area service club members, Rogan

said unless more attention is paid to preparing for the next generation

of retirees, the Social Security system will crash.

“It’s time to stop treating Social Security like a political football

and make sure people have money when they retire,” Rogan said. “The real

problem in Social Security is when the Baby Boomers collect Social

Security. At that point the Social Security fund will hit a nose dive.”

Rogan suggested that the government establish a separate retirement

account, similar to an IRA account, in which taxpayers could save money.

At the point of retirement, the money would be assured, he said.

In addition, Rogan said, these accounts could be transferred to family

members when a person dies. Currently, family members are not eligible to

receive a deceased person’s retirement fund, he said.

Following his speech, Rogan took questions from the audience, most of

whom were eager to hear more about his Social Security proposal.

“It was a good plan. It’s nice to see that he’s doing something about

it,” said Herb Vincent, a Burbank resident and member of the Kiwanis


Mayor Stacey Murphy also spoke at Tuesday’s luncheon. She praised the

city’s service clubs for helping to promote special programs and for

playing a vital role in Burbank’s charitable efforts.

She also urged members of the Burbank Unified School District to

support a mobile dental unit for the schools, something she favors but

the district has not embraced.

“The Burbank School District has been hesitant - to put it mildly.”

said Murphy, who urged the members of the city’s 11 service clubs to take

up the issue with the school district.

Vincent, 71, said service clubs have a positive impact on the


“Service clubs don’t have political clout, but we do let the public

know that we are out there,” he said.
