
Quintet playing at Christmas party

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Darrell Satzman

MAGNOLIA PARK -- The Steed Woodwind Quintet will play holiday

favorites at a Christmas party hosted by the the Burbank Historical

Society on Sunday at the Gordon Howard Museum in George Izay Park.

The party, which will be from 4 to 6 p.m., is free and open to the

public. It will be preceded by an open house at the museum from 1 to 4


The performance by the Steed Woodwind Quintet is being made possible

by a grant from the Los Angeles County Arts Commission in cooperation

with Professional Musicians Union, Local 47, organizers said.

The Howard Museum is at 115 N. Lomita Ave. Parking is available in

Izay Park off Clark Avenue. For more information, call the Historical

Society at 841-6333.
