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Officials will be still be holding their collective breath, but the

Burbank Unified School District and the Burbank police and fire

departments are optimistic about a glitch-free transition to the year


The dreaded “Millennium Bug” -- a host of potential problems caused by

computers with two-digit date codes mistaking the “00” in the year 2000

for a return to 1900 -- is not expected to cause major problems with the

school district and Burbank’s public safety departments because they have

spent the past year working to iron out any problems, officials say.

“We believe everything will function properly,” said Burbank Lt. Larry

Koch. “All the in-house computer systems, including the records computer

and computer-aided dispatch, have been upgraded and tested.”

More concerned about what’s going outside than inside their computers,

police officials plan to staff upward of 25 officers on the streets on

New Year’s Eve, about 50% more than on a normal Friday night shift. The

fire department will have a an additional rescue ambulance, two engines,

a hazardous materials squad and fire prevention personnel on hand for the

big night.


There was the moment of illumination, the singing and the usual words

of seasonal greeting, but the Mayor’s Tree Lighting ceremony took on a

bit of added meaning this year with the dedication of monument

celebrating the four-year restoration of City Hall.

In the midst of a restoration that, when complete, will cost around

$500,000, the old Art Deco jewel is looking better than ever. So far, new

marble floors have been installed, the rotunda has been repainted,

railings and lighting fixtures have been replaced and spruced up and new

concrete has been poured. The distinctive fountain has also been returned

to something near its original splendor -- though the city remains

knotted in a dispute over the cost of that work. Next year, work will

focus on restoring the lovely “Four Freedoms” mural in the City Council


The new monument, a four-foot slab of polished stone, notes the

building’s 1943 dedication, its inclusion on the National Register of

Historic Places in 1966 and the current restoration work.

“I think it looks as good as it did 50 years ago,” Councilman Bob

Kramer said. “We like it and people are always happy to come to it.”


Congratulations are in order for Dawna Gunn and Samantha Mollaun who

were respectively crowned Miss Burbank and Miss Teen Burbank at a recent

gala at The Castaway.

In addition to their regular responsibilities, the two athletically

inclined high school students will be busy throughout 2000 making

appearances at city events such as Burbank on Parade and the Fourth of

July celebration at the Starlight Bowl.

Gunn, 18, attends Village Christian School in North Hollywood where

she plays varsity soccer, is a cheerleader and serves as senior council

secretary. She counts retired basketball star Michael Jordan among her

role models.

Mollaun, 16, is a junior at Jon Burroughs High School. She plays golf

and softball for the Indians. She looks up to softball player Dot

Richardson, a 1996 Olympic gold medalist.

“It’s good to be a representative of the city,” Mollaun said. “We can

be examples.”

In the Miss Burbank pageant, Jacqlene Cacia and Ginny Masterani were

first- and- second runners-up. The first runner-up for Miss Teen Burbank

was Brittnay Middleton and the second runner-up was Emily Crawford.


With much of the hoopla focusing on doomsday scenarios of both the man

and machine variety, a local church has decided to focus on the things we

have to be thankful for at the brink of the millennium.

The Burbank Church of Religious Science has created the “Millennium

Book,” a 22 by 28 inch walnut-paneled tome that will record the positive

reflections of church members and residents throughout the first year of

the new century.

“There’s a lot to be excited about and this is a good way to do it,”

said Jeanne McCafferty, a church member who started the book along with

The Rev. Marlene Morris. “It’s an honor that very few people get to


After spending the year 2000 on display at the church, the Millennium

Book will be sealed in a time capsule at midnight on New Year’s Day 2001.



Flanked on both sides by the Parc Pointe Apartment Complex, Carolyn

Carter’s small Hollywood Way home has been a neighborhood curiosity for

the past decade or so. In addition to the odd aesthetics it offers --

squeezed as it is between two wings of expansive complex -- the house has

stood as a symbol of one woman’s determination not to succumb to the

powers that be.

Carter refused to sell out to the developer who built the apartments,

forcing the company to construct the 243-unit complex around her. Carter,

who lived in the home until her death in 1998 at the age of 92, credited

developer Multi-Family Partners with being a good neighbor. They took

care of the gardening an even painted her house, said her nephew, John


“She always felt a little guilty for not selling to them.”

For Multi-Family’s good deeds and patience have paid off. Carter is

selling the property to the developer and its plans to build 12 more

units on the site have been approved by the City Council.


After Red Cross officials put her up initially in a hotel, Frances

Jansen has found temporary housing in a local retirement home. Still, it

will be a melancholy holiday season for the Burbank senior who was forced

to move out of her Hillside District home when a fire blazed through her

living room.

The fire, which was started by a broken lamp, caused about $45,000

damage to Jansen’s home, fire officials said. It will be at least two

months before the house is repaired and Jansen can move back in.
