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Three minutes is enough

It was with some amusement that I read the article, “Council

three-minute plan decried” (April 29).

It seems that some of my neighbors think that they cannot communicate

their concern on an agenda item in three minutes, as though five minutes

is a sacred period.

Let’s put aside, for the moment, my own complaint that the public

comments period has intruded upon my right to watch the city council

meetings on TV because I need to get up early and go to work.

How much time is three minutes?

Abraham Lincoln gave the most memorable speech of any United States

President in half the three-minute period now to be allowed for public

comment. It’s been 137 years since his Gettysburg Address and school

children still memorize the speech.

Do I expect that a member of the public can give such a momentous

speech in three minutes? No, but I can hope that they will be able to

get their point across.

Think on it. When you consider that Lincoln’s Nov. 19, 1863 address at

Gettysburg lasted 90 seconds, public comment periods of 180 seconds sound

like an eternity. It’s certainly enough for me.


