
Letter -- Dave Golonski

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Dave Golonski

I want to start by thanking every Burbank resident who voted in last

week’s election. More importantly, however, I want to express my

gratitude to the countless residents who have shared their feelings with

me over the past two months.

Throughout January and February, I -- along with my family, friends

and supporters -- covered a wide section of Burbank as we took our

campaign door to door.

My meetings with you, on your porches, patios and driveways, proved to

be very important to me. The input, ideas, concerns and beliefs you were

willing to share, provided me with a better understanding of how and why

you feel the way you do about issues that face us.

Your willingness to openly give me input, both negative and positive,

has given me both the desire to work harder than ever before to

capitalize and build on our successes and to reexamine the issues that

cause concerns.

It has given me a higher awareness of what is in your hearts and on

your minds, and I believe it will help me to better represent you on the

City Council.

As we head toward the general election April 10, I want to encourage

any resident who has an opinion, an idea or a concern regarding our city

to contact me at 843-2948.

I want to hear what your feelings are regarding our youth, seniors,

neighborhood protection, airport, traffic, parking or whatever else may

be on your mind.

Over the years I believe I have been a part in what makes Burbank

great. I am proud of the work I have done in standing firm against a new

airport terminal until we have a mandatory and enforceable curfew and

restraints against noise and future growth.

I am proud that a concept I have been championing for years has

finally come to fruition in Measure B, which assures that residents have

the ultimate authority over the future of the airport.

Along with my successes on the council, I also willingly admit I have

stumbled at times. I believe that I have learned from both the successes

and also from the things that have proved to be less than successful. I

have learned that both are a part of leadership.

I believe that I can be a vital part of Burbank’s future successes by

utilizing my experience in concert with open-mindedness and a willingness

to constantly listen and learn from my council colleagues and from you

whom I serve.

* DAVE GOLONSKI is a Burbank councilman who is one of four candidates

in an April 10 runoff for two seats on the City Council.
