
Hop to it, everybunny

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Karen S. Kim

MEDIA DISTRICT NORTH -- The Easter Bunny came to McCambridge Park on

Thursday to give 50 children and their parents dance lessons.

Jumping to the music and wiggling their arms, kids learned how to do

the Bunny Hop and the chicken dance as a part of Burbank’s “Tots on the

Town Easter Eggs-Stravaganza.”

The event also included kids decorating plastic eggs,

construction-paper bunny masks, Easter egg baskets and cardboard picture

frames with glitter, lace and crayon.

“They enjoy arts and crafts,” said Nancy Breneman, who brought her

sons, Donnie, 4, Ryan, 3, and Tyler, 2, to the event. “They love coming

here, where they can meet their friends.”

Breneman said she has brought her children to other Tots on the Town

events, which are hosted each month by Burbank’s Park, Recreation and

Community Services Department.

“We try to get the community involved, and this is more of a

tight-knit type of an event,” said Vickie O’Neill, recreation program

leader. “We try to give something that’s a special event for Burbank

residents, and we limit it to 50 kids so we [can] go for quality and not


The highlight of the event came near the end of the morning, when the

50 kids prepared to run onto the lawn for the Easter egg hunt. Some

parents were forced to hold their eager children back by their shirttails

to keep them from running ahead of the others.

Four-year-old Skylar Mackey couldn’t wait to sit on the grass after

the hunt to inspect the candy and toys hidden inside the plastic eggs she

had collected.

“She did it all by herself; she’s aggressive,” said Mackey’s caretaker

and great-grandmother, Nancy Coble. “I had fun, too. I was pretty

lonesome until she came along.”
