
See a problem, fix it

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Gary Moskowitz

NORTHWEST DISTRICT -- Diana Reynolds, a sixth-grade teacher at Luther

Burbank Middle School, said she and her students work in preparation for

the Future Problem Solving Event all year long.

“It’s very exciting,” said Reynolds, the school’s problem-solving

coach. “These kids will make decisions that affect us all in the future.”

One participant, Byron Weiss, finished first in the individual junior

cometition and will be representing California in the junior division at

the International Conference this June in Athens, Ga.

Reynolds and sixth-grade teacher Barbara Weiss coached their Gifted

and Talented Education students at the Future Problem Solving State Bowl

Saturday at Luther Burbank. The event is designed to educate children in

problem resolution.

“We develop skills for looking at problem solving in a systematic

way,” Reynolds said. “It’s great to see the students expand their

thinking to see a variety of ways to resolve problems.”

One of Luther Burbank’s teams placed second out of 12 in the final

round of the junior division. Team members were Misho Galbo, Michelle Ho,

Leilani Pitpitan and Sammi Fiol.

The second team placed fourth and included Yan Jiang, Brandon

Crawford, Matthew Austin and Christopher Shaffer.

Weiss said their teams were given topics to do research on prior to

the competition. This year’s topics were tourism in space, eco-tourism

and cultural effects of tourism, world population and water pollution.

“Activities like the Future Problem Solving Competitions are positive

for our school and the entire district,” Weiss said. “We’re building a

