
Burbank police officer arrested at concert

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Lolita Harper

NORTHWEST DISTRICT -- A Burbank Police officer, who allegedly shot a

Burbank family’s pet dog Friday night, was arrested Sunday in an

unrelated incident on suspicion of disorderly conduct at a concert,

police said.

Burbank Police Officer Anthony Valento, 30, was described as

belligerent and unable to care for his own safety due to alcohol

consumption while attending a pop-punk concert by Offspring at the

Universal Amphitheater, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lt. Carl Deeley


Deeley said that amphitheater security officers and sheriff’s deputies

tried to calm Valento down, but were unable to. Valento reportedly told

arresting officers he was an off-duty Burbank Police officer, Los Angeles

County Sheriff’s Sgt. Paul Patterson said.

Joseph Valento Jr., the officer’s 28-year-old brother who was also at

the concert, was arrested on suspicion of sexual battery against a

15-year-old girl from Arcadia, Deeley said.

The brothers were held at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department West

Hollywood station and were released Tuesday. Anthony Valento was cited

with a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct and was not required to post

bail. Joseph Valento Jr. posted $25,000 bail, Patterson said.

When contacted by phone, Joseph Valento Sr., a retired Burbank Police

captain, said his sons were unavailable for comment.

On Friday, Anthony Valento allegedly shot a Labrador retriever, said

Angela Gualtiere, one of the dog’s owners. Heather Ingram, 9, heard

two shots and a loud yelp that night.

“I can’t explain what it was, but I knew it was my dog right away,”

said Ingram, who has grown up with 8-year-old Whoopie. “I cant explain

how sad I am that someone shot my dog that feels like a sister to me.”

Valento was responding to a report of domestic violence in the 2700

block of Wyoming Avenue -- the same block where the Ingrams live -- when

Whoopie allegedly bolted from the house and ran toward the officer who

feared for his safety, Burbank Police Sgt. Bill Taylor said.

Whoopie was shot once in the leg, shattering her bone, and once in the

face, knocking out a tooth and decimating her lower lip. She was taken to

Magnolia Veterinary Clinic at the police department’s direction, Taylor


Whoopie is in critical condition, said Jaime Valasco, the attending

veterinarian. Valasco also confirmed the city is paying for the dog’s

medical expenses.

“Although our officer was just taking steps to protect himself, we are

still saddened that this domestic violence disturbance led to the dog

getting hurt,” Taylor said.

Robert Ingram and his fiancee, Gualtiere, said Whoopie is a friendly

dog and has never had a history of attacking anyone.

A shooting review board will examine the incident as soon as possible

to make sure the officer’s actions were within policy, Taylor said.
