
A good day for walkin’

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Gary Moskowitz

BURBANK -- Parents, students and members of the community are invited

to participate in the International Walk To School Day next month.

Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary School will host the event, which

will begin at 7:15 a.m. Oct. 2.

Participants can also join the 8:15 a.m. group, and both the early

group and late group can choose from four different starting points for

the walk.

The walk is designed to encourage people to be environmentally

conscious, to talk to their neighbors, help protect neighborhoods from

crime and be health conscious.

School district officials, City Council members, Burbank police and

fire officers and others will take part in the event.

The four starting points are Clybourn Avenue and Riverside Drive, Oak

Street and Kling Street, California Street and Riverside Drive and Parish

Place and Oak Street.

For more information, call 558-5522 or 843-6150.
