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Ryan C. Wells was recognized at his National Eagle Scout Court of

Honor at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church. He is a member of Troop

204, sponsored by the Burbank Kiwanis.

He has been an active member of the Boy Scouts Honored Camping

Society, and is past chief of Lodge SPE-LE-YAI of the Order of the Arrow

in 1998. He also received the Spirit of Achievement National Founder’s

Award from the Order of the Arrow in 1999.

He is a senior at John Burroughs High School, and is a member of the

Academic Decathlon team, track and field, and is a section leader in the

marching band.

He has donated more than 100 hours of volunteer service in the

community, part of which was in his Eagle Project refurbishing rail cars

for the Los Angeles Live Steamers next to Travel Town.

Burbank students who have graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo are

Michael Philip Burton and Jeremy Kenneth Yaeger.

Carlos Santayana Perez of Burbank, has earned his bachelor of arts

degree from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Glendale Community College Photoshop instructor and professional

photographer Michael E. Stern has won third place and a $500 prize in the

California Teachers Assn. Building Art Competition.

His photograph, titled “A Traditional and Digital Photographic

Solution,” will be displayed at the organization’s headquarters in

Burlingame, Calif., starting next month and continuing through March


Stern will teach Imaging with Photoshop II at the college this spring.

His professional career has included taking aerial shots out of

helicopters and working on location shoots. Now the Burbank resident

works primarily in the digital realm. Stern was featured in the July

2001 issue of “Professional Photographer” magazine.

The article focused on his fine art photo series called “Bone Daddy,”

striking images of Photoshop-enhanced X-rays. He has created images for

The Walt Disney Co., Warner Bros.Studios, Sotheby’s and Universal

