
City hosts Town Hall meetings

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Laura Sturza

BURBANK -- Residents irked by traffic, cable television, airport noise

or any other concern can attend one of the city’s town hall meetings.

The first in this series was Thursday at John Muir Middle School with

two more scheduled in the coming weeks.

“At last year’s goal setting for fiscal year 2001-2002, one of

[council members’] goals was to improve communication with the public,”

said Vida Wolfe, assistant to the city Mmanager.

By being less formal than council meetings, council members hoped to

reach new people, Wolfe said.

Community Development Director Sue Georgino believes that goal was


“[We saw] a lot of faces that we didn’t know,” Georgino said of

Thursday’s meeting.

While traffic was the “biggest single issue” discussed, people talked

about matters that were specific to their neighborhood, Georgino said.

“Like one gentleman was talking about how his street doesn’t go out to

the I-5 [Golden State Freeway],” Georgino said. “[He] wanted a sign

saying no freeway entrance.”

After each community member spoke, council members responded.

Along with the meeting’s discussion period, staff from city agencies

had information tables set up for residents to learn more about

everything from home remodeling to parks and recreation activities.

IF YOU GO WHAT: Town Hall meetings with City Council and city staff.

WHERE: Jordan Middle School, 420 S. Mariposa St. and Luther Burbank

Middle School, 3700 Jeffries Ave.

WHEN: March 28 at Jordan Middle School. April 11 at Luther Burbank

Middle School. City services information booths will be open 6 to 8 p.m.

Meeting runs from about 7 to 9 p.m.

INFO: 238-5840.
