
Will I insist on the Willys again? I will

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Every year at this time, I give readers a case of the Willys. I

don’t mean the feeling that comes from knowing my annual holiday poem

is imminent. These are the Willy Awards, the most anticipated awards

of the year. OK, maybe they’re the awards you forget about until

they’re here. But they’re here -- and you can’t stop them.


When a judge recently agreed with airport arguments that patrons

of a new private parking structure can’t walk over an airport

easement to get to the airport, it was the first courtroom win in

memory for lawyers employed by the Airport Authority. From the

struggle with Burbank over terminal expansion to the airport’s recent

attempt to disengage itself from litigation over a doomed ballot

initiative, from the case that found the authority held an illegal

closed meeting to the period when airport lawyers OK’d taxpayers

paying for officials to take their families on junkets, a long parade

of judges and law enforcers have routinely rejected the airport’s

legal positions.

It’s puzzling the record has never prompted concern from

commissioners, including Burbank’s trio. All continue to unabashedly

declare various stands are premised upon “the advice of our lawyers,”

apparently unconcerned about where that advice has taken them in the

past. Still, folks patronizing a competitor to the airport’s

parking-concession cash cow, a challenge that forced the airport to

slash its parking rates, have been vanquished. But the court also

said customers can ride the private lot’s shuttle into the airport.


Remember campaign rhetoric from former Rep. Jim Rogan about his

public service coming at a great personal financial sacrifice?

Fortunately, voters saved him from that two years ago. But after a

grueling 10 weeks in the private sector, Rogan won a Bush White House

nod to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark office. That came with a job

as chief of staff for his blunderkind campaign manager, Jason Roe.

Rogan’s current $140,000 annual salary helps make up for his

earlier sacrifices. But a Washington Post story this month reported

Rogan found yet another payday, a sort of deferred compensation plan

from his last gig.

As one of the 12 House Managers prosecuting the impeachment of

President Clinton, Rogan had sterling credentials with conservatives,

many of whom contributed the millions spent by his failed reelection

campaign (and later coughed up the previously mentioned appointment.)

Republicans on the far right lust after Rogan’s campaign mailing

list, craving a shot at all those wealthy zip codes.

Alas, mailing lists are typically the property of the campaign,

not the candidate, and federal election law prohibits using them for

the candidate’s personal gain.

But according to the Washington Post, Rogan has disclosed

receiving between $15,000 and $50,000 for renting his list.

Citing claims from Roe, the Post reported that Rogan’s lawyers won

approval from federal officials for a unique loophole, one our former

representative is apparently the first to employ. He negotiated an

agreement with his campaign to share ownership of the list. Of

course, the campaign has to have received something of value in

exchange. Neither the former candidate nor his campaign revealed

details of the transaction, but a hint was provided when the Post

talked to a lawyer who helped set up Rogan’s deal. He explained a

candidate signing a fund-raising letter for his campaign qualifies as

something of value to the campaign.

Rogan’s political memorabilia collection is well known for his

campaign buttons and autographs.

Funny enough, the most valuable signature on a campaign letter in

his collection may be his own.


Mayor David Laurell announced with fanfare that he wouldn’t run

for reelection in February because of a challenging new job. But just

as the filing period for candidates closed, Laurell’s new job went

south. Asked if he was kicking himself, Laurell told me he’d decided

not to run again long before the job prospect recently appeared. What

might otherwise sound like sour grapes was confirmed by others he

spoke to months ago.

The fact remains, Laurell might have some time for public service

he hadn’t expected, and he’s said he’s available for assignments and

appointments. Among those could be a seat on the Airport Authority,

and the thought of Laurell giving speeches at every meeting to the

appointees from Pasadena and Glendale is an idea some vengeful,

mischievous council members find very appealing. It’s not an idea

under serious consideration, so the conspiracy theorists can save

their hysterics. But if you see council members quietly smiling, they

might be replaying the fantasy in their minds.


If the question is about whether City Manager Bud Ovrom is leaving

after 17 years at City Hall’s helm, the answer has to be “yes.” But

the real question, which doesn’t fit in the “Willy” premise I didn’t

realize would be so constricting (and sexist) when I thought of it 13

years ago, is WHEN? Next month? Next year? Whichever proves accurate,

if Ovrom owes you a municipal favor, time is definitely running out

to collect.


Last year my fury over the mess at the former “five points”

intersection by Costco led me to meet with Bruce Feng, Burbank’s

director of Public Works. He oversees the team installing

“improvements” there, infamous changes earning the clumsy new moniker

” four-and-a-half- points.”

I heard Feng’s plans for future adjustments, and learned about

challenges he’s faced. I left considerably calmed, and confident

improvements were on the way. One year later, virtually none of the

promises have been kept, and the junction is more gnarled than ever.

But compared to traffic fiascos elsewhere in town, the intersection

has remained static. Hollywood Way is so jammed it is essentially

useless during daytime hours for travel between Victory Boulevard and

the Ventura (134) Freeway. Buena Vista Street is headed the same way,

complicated by crews seemingly under orders to close lanes

exclusively during rush hours.

I keep trying to think of insults and tortures for Feng and his

team of experts and expensive consultants. But each time I have to

drive across town in the flatlands, I realize every idea I have falls

far short of what is deserved.

The Will Rogers Dancers fell ill while on our year-end cruise, so

we have to skip the big closing dance number, and that’s the end of

the 2002 Willy Awards extravaganza. Winners, please don’t leave your

trophies in the seats again this year.

* WILL ROGERS’ column appears in every edition of the Leader. He

can be reached 24 hours a day at 637-3200, voice mail ext. 906, or by

e-mail at or
