
Dance companies intertwine for new series

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The Alex Theatre has entered into a partnership with a dance

company that is already making great strides at the box office, Alex

Executive Director Barry McComb said.

“SPLIT: Dance In and Out of LA” premieres at 8 p.m. Jan 10 at

Glendale’s historic theater. It’s a new series of quarterly dance

concerts featuring local companies and an out-of-town ensemble. New

York City’s renowned Forces of Nature Dance Theatre Company will be

the headliner for this premiere performance.

Early box-office figures show the event will be a success, McComb


“Ticket sales are ahead of what I would expect for a first-time

presentation, and at a time of year when people’s focus is not

necessarily on buying tickets,” he said.

The “SPLIT” concept was created by Deborah Brockus, artistic

director of the Brockus Project Dance Company of Long Beach. Brockus,

along with co-producer Daisy Kim, has coordinated the successful

Spectrum Dance in LA.

In an effort to expand its dance season, The Alex has been forming

partnerships with dance companies, McComb said. The first such

liaison began with the American Repertory Dance Company last

September. Brockus approached The Alex last fall about bringing her

series to Glendale.

Combining a national company with those in and around Los Angeles

piqued interest because its that kind of unique feature that brings

value to the programming at the theater, McComb said.

The co-partnership benefits the dance company and theater, because

each shares the risk of a possible loss of ticket sales, which could

have long range effects on The Alex dance programming.

“With the fluctuations in the economy, you can’t foresee how

popular a dance performance is going to be. This is a formula I used

with success in my past jobs,” McComb said.

It’s also an answer to the nationwide problem arts programs are

having trying to obtain grants in this shaky economy, which is how

The Alex has afforded to underwrite dance programs in the past.

Joining Forces of Nature for this premiere will be the

award-winning local companies Fast Feet, based in Pasadena, and

Brockus Project Dance Company. A highlight of the performance is a

world-premiere work by Los Angeles-based choreographer Robert


Subsequent “SPLIT” performances are March 1, May 10 and Aug. 30.

Tickets range from $10 to $35 and can be reserved by calling The Alex

box office, 216 N. Brand Blvd., at 243-2539.

* JOYCE RUDOLPH’s In the Spotlight column runs Wednesdays in

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