
Student body leaders convene at Burbank High

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Molly Shore

When John Burroughs High School Associated Student Body officers

spent the day with their counterparts at Burbank High School, they

left their competitive spirit at home.

It was the annual ASB Leadership Conference Day, giving student

leaders at both schools the chance to meet and share ideas.

“Just the fact that we get to meet Burroughs ASB and see how they

do things is a big help to us,” said Burbank’s ASB President Selina

Hartonians, 17.

The event, dubbed “ASB Double Dare Leadership Day 2003,” began

Wednesday morning with the group of 70 student leaders on the

athletic field, competing in a relay race and trivia contest.

Teams, made up of members from both schools, dared each other to

answer trivia questions, like “When was the 50th anniversary of the

city?” A wrong answer meant the team was given a physical challenge

and had to work together to accomplish it.

Mike Niss, whose team won the contest, said Leadership Day gives

the students a chance to get to know each other.

“I think they should do that with the whole school,” Mike said.

“Imagine that -- 2,000 to 4,000 students getting to know each other.”

In the afternoon, the students brainstormed on various topics,

including muffin and candy sales and car washes for class

fundraisers, as well as celebrity basketball games and movie nights

as school fundraisers. They also exchanged ideas on school-dance

themes and school spirit.

The day is not about Burbank versus Burroughs, Burbank’s ASB

Advisor Wendy Miller said.

“The reason why we do it is to show that the schools can get

together and not be just teams,” Miller said. “It’s just a day to

bond with the other school and raise the schools’ spirit.”
