
Experience is the key, incumbent says

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Molly Shore

When school board President Richard Raad considered running for a

second term in office, he decided his four years as a board member

who understands the complexities of public education gave him an edge

over most of the candidates. “Fiscal uncertainties need proven and

experienced leadership at this time,” Raad said. “When I vote on

issues, I ... understand the issues, and that’s through the knowledge

I gained on the board.”

Any decisions the board makes are based upon the best interests of

the children first, then the community and the district, he said.

Responding to critics who denounced the board’s handling of the

$3-million budget deficit, Raad blames the shortfall partially on the


With a new management team at the district office, not only has

the board met budget requirements, including the 3% reserve fund, but

it has established safeguards, including the Budget Advisory

Committee, Raad said.

“The district itself is now working in a much more positive

light,” he said. “The deficiencies of the past have been resolved.”

Raad said his service on local committees and organizations gives

him insight into the various needs of the community. He was a member

of the school site assessment committee and the Burbank Chamber of

Commerce president in 1995. He is also on the board of directors for

The Salvation Army.
