
City’s newest legislator gets acquainted with city

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Laura Sturza

To prepare for redistricting, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Burbank) moved

his office from Woodland Hills to Sherman Oaks -- putting him 10

miles closer to Burbank.

The congressman began representing the western 45% of Burbank --

part of the 27th district -- when he was sworn in Jan. 7. Rep. Adam

Schiff (D-Burbank) represents the rest of the city.

Sherman, 48, had represented California’s 24th district since

1997, and continues to participate in discussions about issues close

to the Burbank community -- airport noise and keeping film production

from leaving the country. “He’s had staff people at a lot of events,”

City Manager Bud Ovrom said of Sherman. “All of the congress- men

have been particularly helpful in setting up [the Feb. 26] meeting

with the [Federal Aviation Administration].”

Sherman plans to attend the Washington, D.C. meeting with FAA

Administrator Marion Blakey next month, which is expected to include

representatives from the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport’s three

city councils, the Airport Authority and other state representatives.

The group intends to ask the federal agency for guidance about the

facility, including the prospect of replacing the airport’s outdated


“I’ve been involved in the issue of airport noise all along,”

Sherman said. “I hear Burbank airport noise near my [Sherman Oaks]


As the state looks to address its $35-billion deficit, the

certified public accountant is seeking ways to funnel federal dollars

into Burbank transportation projects, and to help the state with

money for health care, schools and emergency services.

“The federal government should be doing more for edu- cation and

more for Medi-Cal,” Sherman said. “You’d do a lot to stimulate the

economy and stimulate jobs by providing aid to states so that they

can contin- ue to hire people to teach our kids and safeguard our


The congressman has been a long-term proponent of reigning in

runaway film production.

“I’ve not only advocated but cosponsored bills to try to do

something about it,” Sherman said.

Burbank constituents can stop by his district office at 5000 Van

Nuys Blvd., Suite 420, in Sherman Oaks or call the office at

