
League hosts forum for city candidates

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Ryan Carter

Candidates campaigning for school board and City Council seats

will square off during a forum Wednesday at City Hall.

The forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of

Burbank/Glendale, is from 6:30 to 10 p.m. in the council chambers,

275 E. Olive Ave.

“It’s designed to give the opportunity to citizens to get a

glimpse of all of their candidates and address the issues that come

before the community,” said Connie Wilson, the group’s voter

education chairwoman.

All of the nine council and 14 school board candidates are

scheduled to attend, Wilson said. Council candidates are vying for

two open seats, while the school board has three seats open.

One issue for both groups has been how the city will deal with

looming state budget cuts and local spending. Issues for council

candidates also include Burbank- Glendale-Pasadena Airport noise and

a new terminal. School board issues include teacher recruitment and

retention and questions of openness during the board members’

decision-making process.

Candidates for the school board are Larry Applebaum, Roland

Armstorff, Ted Bunch, Lisa Clement, Lynne Gerred, Elena Hubbell,

Steven Hulett, Dave Kemp, Paul Krekorian, Ira Lippman, Saba Mokhtari,

Mike McDonald, Richard Raad and Silva Terteryan-Reyes.

Candidates for the City Council are Michael Bergfeld, Gary Bric,

Todd Campbell, Esther Espinoza, Vahe Hovanessian, Kisa Kirkpatrick,

Brian Malone, Michael Porco and Jef Vander Borght.

The forum has been organized in two parts. Accompanied by a League

moderator, a panel including the League’s state president Barbara

Inatsugu, Burbank Police Commission member Brooks Gardner and Burbank

Landlord Tenant Commissioner Marla Martinez will ask questions of the

council candidates. Another panel, including Inatsugu and Joylene

Wagner, an area PTA representative, will question school board


When the panels are finished querying the candidates, audience

members can submit written questions.

The council portion of the event starts at 6:30 p.m., and the

school board forum follows from 8:30 to 10 p.m.

For more information, call the league at 247-2407.
