
High schools participate in county academic...

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High schools participate in county academic decathlon

BURBANK -- Burbank High School’s nine-member academic decathlon

team slipped from last year’s third place to 10th place this year in

the Los Angeles County Academic Decathlon.

John Burroughs High School placed 31st out of 40 participating

high schools.

The overall winner of the Decathlon was Palos Verdes Peninsula

High School, which scored 43,081 out of a possible 60,000 points.

Second place went to Beverly Hills High School with 40,415 points.

Burbank racked up 37,562 points and Burroughs scored 26,472


The Academic Decathlon took place on two days -- Jan. 25 at

Gladstone High School, and Feb. 1 at San Gabriel High School and Cal

State Los Angeles, where the Super Quiz Relay, the culminating event

of the decathlon, was held in the university’s gymnasium.

‘The Fantastiks’ go onstage at Providence High School

MEDIA DISTRICT WEST -- Providence Players, Providence High

School’s theater group, presents “The Fantastiks,” a story about

first love between a dreamy 16-year-old girl and her awkward

next-door neighbor.

The musical runs Friday through Sunday in the school auditorium,

511 S. Buena Vista St.

The show previews on Valentine’s Day with a “sweetheart rate” of

$25 for couples, which includes a pre-show wine and cheese reception

at 6:30 p.m. and a 7:30 p.m. performance.

Matinee and evening performances are at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday,

with a 2 p.m. matinee Sunday.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors, and $5

for children 7 and younger.

For ticket reservations or more information, call 846-8141, ext.

278. Seats are limited.

Candidates forum hosted by League of Women Voters

CIVIC CENTER -- A candidates forum for city council and school

district elections is from 6:30 to 10 p.m. today in the Council

Chambers of Burbank City Hall, 275 E. Olive Ave.

The City Council candidates will be questioned from 6:30 to 8:15

p.m., with the school board candidates following at 8:30 p.m. The

event ends at 10 p.m.

Both sets of candidates will answer questions from audience

members. The public can watch the forum on Charter Communications

Channel 6.

The forum is presented by the League of Women Voters of

Glendale/Burbank. Questions from the public can be submitted to

league members before the event at 247-2407 or

The televised program will be replayed on Channel 6 until the

primary election day Feb. 25.

The city will list the times and dates of the telecasts on its Web


Grandparents honored on Valentine’s Day

HILLSIDE DISTRICT -- St. Robert Bellarmine Elementary School

students will honor their grandparents at a Valentine’s Day event

from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday.

After attending morning Mass, grandparents will join the children

in the courtyard for the flag salute, then walk across the street for

a Continental breakfast in St. Eleanor’s Hall on campus. When they

have completed breakfast, grandparents will come back to the

elementary school and go into various classrooms. In some of the

rooms, they will do art projects with their grandchildren.

St. Robert Bellarmine Elementary School is at 154 N. Fifth St. For

more information, call 842-5033.

Compiled by Molly Shore
