
Good Samaritans come to officer’s aid SOUTH...

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Good Samaritans come to officer’s aid

SOUTH SAN FERNANDO DISTRICT -- Police are expressing their thanks

to two people who helped an officer wrestling with a forgery suspect.

Officers were called to the PC Club, 699 N. Victory Blvd.,

Wednesday afternoon when a 32-year-old Encino man tried to use a

stolen credit card to buy computer equipment, Sgt. Bruce Speirs said.

Two officers approached the man outside the store, and when they

tried to handcuff him, the suspect pushed them and ran away, Speirs

said. One of the officers fell, dislocating his shoulder. The other

officer chased the man to a nearby parking lot, where a scuffle

ensued. Two passersby, whose names were not released by police,

stopped and helped the officer restrain the suspect until additional

officers arrived.

“Two citizens went way beyond the call of duty and we are very,

very proud of them,” Speirs said, adding that the department plans to

nominate the good Samaritans for recognition awards.

Amber Willard

Sherman appointed to terrorism subcommittee

BURBANK -- Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Burbank) was appointed Tuesday as

the top Democrat on the new Subcommittee on International Terrorism,

Nonproliferation and Human Rights.

The subcommittee was created to oversee international security

concerns and will receive information from the intelligence

community, the State Department and Defense Department about the

United States’ efforts to combat global terrorism. It also helps

oversee policy on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Laura Sturza
