
Residents can reach out to the military...

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Residents can reach out to the military

BURBANK -- Military personnel continue to receive care packages

from Burbank residents and businesses through the city’s Hands Across

the Battlefield program.

About 300 boxes have been shipped since the program started last


Suggested items to donate include a brief note, nuts, hard candy,

gum, candy bars, dried fruit, disposable cameras, playing cards,

crossword puzzles, writing tablets and pens. Toiletries such as

shaving cream, disposable razors, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes

are also needed.

Checks can be sent to the City of Burbank, P.O. Box 6459, Burbank,

CA 91510, and made out to the city, noting “Hands Across the

Battlefield” on the check.

Donations are accepted 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Fridays

and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays at Verdugo Park, 3201 W. Verdugo Ave.

For more information, call Mickey DePalo at 238-5390.

Laura Sturza
