
Governor rewards scholars

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Molly Shore

Samantha Schwartz has dreamed about going away to college for as long

as she can remember.

Samantha’s dream is edging toward reality since she learned she is

one of 45 10th-graders at Burbank High School to receive a $1,000

Governor’s Scholars Award.

These awards are given to students who scored in the top 10% on

the statewide Stanford 9 reading and mathematics tests and the

California English-language arts standards test, or are in the top 5%

in their grade level statewide.

“This is wonderful,” Samantha’s mother, Antoinette Schwartz, said.

“She’s a very hard-working and self-motivated girl. To be recognized

like this is won- derful, not just for the money but for the

achievement. Her hard work paid off.”

Samantha wants to major in business and minor in communications at

UC Davis.

Shahaf Tuler, a 10th-grader at Burroughs High School, was also a

recipient of the scholarship award.

Shahaf wants to continue her education at UCLA or Stanford, then

go to medical school. Eventually, she said, she wants to be a


“I love kids, and want to be able to help them,” Shahaf said.

Samantha and Shahaf are among 326 high school students

districtwide who won the awards. All of the winners will receive

congratulatory letters from Gov. Gray Davis.

The actual financial award will be held in trust for the students

to use at an accredited institution, which includes trade and

technical schools as well as two- or four-year colleges, said

Caroline Brumm, the district’s coordinator of student and program


District officials said they do not know how many students

received the award last year.
