
Police report rash of thefts

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Ben Godar

At least 12 car stereos have been stolen since Valentine’s Day in a

rash of break-ins police believe are being committed by the same


The thefts occurred in the southwest part of Burbank, Sgt. Bruce

Speirs said. In some instances, the thief or thieves pried open a

door or simply smashed a window, he said.

While items such as clothing and CDs have also been stolen, Speirs

said the criminals appear to be after the car stereos.

“They take the stereo equipment and whatever else is inside, but

they always take the stereo equipment,” he said.

Though Speirs said it doesn’t necessarily appear that a particular

type of car is being targeted, many of the burglarized cars have been


While some victims did not notice the break-ins until the next

day, he said it appears most of them took place at night.

The thefts occurred in a variety of locations, including West

Olive Avenue, East Santa Anita Avenue and Warner Boulevard.
