
Editor’s ‘vendetta’ dismays reader I have been...

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Editor’s ‘vendetta’ dismays reader

I have been quite disturbed by Jeff Tully’s vendetta against

former Burbank High School varsity coach Dave Goosen, but was very

pleased to read Lynette Ballas’ well-thought- out and far more

objective letter to the editor.

While there might well be reason to not renew Goosen’s contract,

at the end of the day, the decision to remove him in the middle of

the season is harmful to his ball players. Any other considerations

are secondary at best.

The big problem this year was the ineligibility of Kevin Greene.

Last I heard, there was no public conclusive evidence that Goosen was

aware of that. Tully relentlessly repeated the allegations of

nameless coaches and others who were evidently too gutless to be

quoted by name. Therefore, we have no way to judge their validity and

any possible biases they may have.

I suppose we are supposed to just “trust” Tully. Not me -- but

then, I do not repeat allegations in print without telling the


In this case, we are left to speculate who might be the source --

and their motives -- possibly to the detriment of innocent parties.

The junior varsity coach, Bob Kinzel, is a very fine individual

who is very devoted to both the program and the boys. Now he has to

coach both JV and varsity teams. While I doubt that he would ever

complain, this is unfair to Kinzel and his athletes. Moreover, I am

told that since he is not a credentialed teacher on staff, like

Goosen, Kinzel will be unable to provide the normal postseason

basketball class for his players.

I think it is also quite telling that since the firing, there has

been almost nothing in the Leader about the varsity boys’ team as of

this writing (Feb. 6), and even less about the JV and freshman teams.

But then, Tully has had his pound of flesh, so I guess he no

longer has any interest in Burbank boys’ basketball, even though he

seems to find plenty of positive things to say about worthy athletes

in other programs in the area, whatever their records.



Parent decries loss of football coach

As a parent of a freshman football player at Burbank High School,

and on behalf of other freshman football families, I want to

compliment the team on a fine season with an 8-2 record.

We are very saddened to hear and actually quite surprised that Art

Yanez, head freshman football coach, will not be returning to the

high school next season. What a wonderful experience (not just the

winning one) my child and the others had with this fine young man as

their teacher. His dedication to them and the program was undeni-

able. His many years of coaching experience were evident on and off

the field.

Burbank High School has had its share of problems concerning

athletics, and it would seem that stability is what we should be

striving for, not the changing of the guard after a successful

season. We can’t for the life of us figure out why this gentleman was

not offered his position back for the 2003 season.

Should we be satisfied that his replacement has only two years’

experience? Is that all it takes to be head coach in Burbank?

Yanez went as far this season as to paint the locker room on his

own time so that our children would feel good about their


He also spent every afternoon of his day to sit in study hall and

help these boys and girls so they were sure to keep their grades in

tow. The best thing about all this is that you never heard Yanez toot

his own horn. He would always tell us as parents that it’s for the

kids and they are the ones doing all the work. A few more humble

coaches on the football staff would be welcome.

For all of the families that were looking forward to the prospect

of Yanez as their coach next season, how unfortunate that you won’t

have him.

We do not want to put our children in a position where Greg

Sobiech might feel differently toward them as he may others, but feel

strongly that this be brought to the football community’s attention.


