
Burbank school board member-elect thanks voters

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Now that the primary election for the Board of Education is over, I

wish to thank all the people who turned out to vote for the candidate

of their choice. This was an interesting year for the Board of

Education election in that there were so many candidates running for

the available seats.

For me, the experience of running for public office was new,

exciting and rewarding. I think the small group of family and friends

who walked, phoned, hosted coffees and posted lawn signs made a large

impact on the outcome. I now have a much greater understanding about

the rigors of conducting a campaign for public office. There was so

much more to this than I had anticipated, so I was fortunate to have

good advice that kept me on the right path at times.

To all who helped make this a successful campaign, I wish to offer

a most sincere thank-you for a job well done. After serving this

community as a teacher for 34 years, I now look forward to serving

again as a Board of Education member.


