
Reader seeking solution to shrinking space

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I wonder if I could be the first to mention a possibly new phenomenon

-- the faux “mansionization” of Burbank, also known as Manhattan

Beach Syndrome. Within the past three years, at least three formerly

sensible neighbors have decided that their respectable backyards were

taking up too much space. Upon this sudden discovery, they decided to

turn this space into an uber-house, eliminating what little greenery

they had.

With this mention, several questions arise: Why is this happening?

Do our oversized sport-utility vehicles make us feel small when we

enter our homes? Have we ourselves gotten larger? Do the homes on

“Joe Millionaire” and rap videos make us feel bad? Do we just hate

gardens and garages? Shouldn’t people who want bigger homes simply

move to areas with bigger homes? Does the city encourage this, in a

need for permit money?

If I’m going to lose what little views I have of nature’s beauty,

I’d at least like some psychological compensation and have these

questions answered. Please help.


