
The fairest of them all

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Molly Shore

When Koreen Dickson’s name was announced as this year’s winner of the

Miss Burbank title, her first thought was, “Wait, that’s my name.”

Dickson, an 18-year-old freshman at Cal State Northridge, said she

did not have time to cry after realizing she had won.

“I was actually too embarrassed to cry,” Dickson said. “I dropped

my crown twice on stage during the walk.”

Sharing the limelight with Dickson was Aijia Guttman, 16, a

Burbank High School junior, who captured the Miss Teen Burbank 2003


“I was actually pretty surprised when I won,” said Guttman, whose

first name is pronounced “Asia.”

Dickson, a business major with a minor in nutrition, eventually

hopes to combine the two interests and open her own gym.

Guttman also has her future mapped out.

“I definitely want to go into entertainment,” she said.

Although Guttman models, and has appeared in TV commercials for

McDonald’s and cereal companies, her passion is singing.

“Eventually I want to teach music,” Guttman said.

Both winners look forward to a year of community involvement in

events planned for them by the Burbank Junior Chamber of Commerce,

which sponsored the pageant.

In April, they will ride down Olive Avenue in the annual Burbank

on Parade.

Guttman said she will continue her volunteer work at Temple Emanu

El, and will begin community service volunteer work at Burbank First

United Methodist Church.

Dickson will make appearances at elementary schools, including one

at Roosevelt Elementary School in April for Career Day. She will also

appear with Aijia at the annual Easter Egg Hunt in McCambridge Park.

Dickson and Guttman advance to the state competition at the end of

August in Fresno.
