
Outgoing school board president says thanks

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I want to thank the entire community for providing me the opportunity

to be of service as a member of the Burbank Board of Education over

the past four years. I have been afforded immeasurable personal

growth and a world of new relationships. I have developed a profound

respect for all those who have served before me, with me and those

who will serve after me. Most important, I will always maintain a

keen optimism for the future of our children.

The ultimate goal of living in a community has to be community

service. Since we are fortunate to live in a city like Burbank, we

should put back with our time and energy to make this an even better

community. Serving this community, no matter in what capacity,

provides a refined sense of accomplishment. I was fortunate to have

been given this most recent opportunity with the board. My commitment

to volunteerism and service to this community began more than 25

years ago, and will likely continue long into the future. Now it is

time to move to the next need, and I am looking forward to serving

this great city in other capacities.

Who are the real winners in this process? Hopefully, it will be

our children. I look at all those who are waiting to serve and I

believe that they all have our community’s best interests at heart.

It is time to line up behind these individuals and support them as

they serve us. After all, these are our neighbors who are willing to

step up. It is not always going to be easy or smooth sailing;

difficult decisions have to be made when needed. Their ability to

serve will be greatly enhanced knowing they have the community’s

support behind them. We need to remember that the final outcome will

and should always be for the benefit of the children.

I am proud of my record over the past four years. I was honored

when I was elected by the community to serve on the board. Now I will

be afforded the opportunity to spend more time with my family, and I

look forward to that prospect.

Thank you for the honor of allowing me this wonderful opportunity

to serve you.


President, Burbank Unified

School District Board
