
AOL Time Warner settles lawsuit BURBANK --...

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AOL Time Warner settles lawsuit

BURBANK -- AOL Time Warner Inc. agreed Wednesday to pay $143,700

to 17 employees at its Burbank facility who alleged they were

discriminated against.

The settlement, which was announced in an e-mail statement from

the U.S. Department of Labor, came after a review of the media

company by Labor Department officials. The amount of the settlement

represents back pay and interest for the 17 female and minority

workers, news reports said.

A Warner Bros. spokeswoman was quoted in news reports saying the

settlement was not an admission of wrongdoing.

Ben Godar

Local lass competes in Irish festival

BURBANK -- Burbank resident Megan McArdle is one of several

debutantes competing tonight for the title of Los Angeles’ Rose of


The event, sponsored by the Irish American Foundation, will

culminate with the crowning of the Rose at the debutante ball at the

Sheraton Universal.

The winner will represent Los Angeles in August at the

International Rose of Tralee Festival in Ireland.

The women, all of Irish descent, have participated in several

events during the past weeks. Friday, they were presented to Mayor

James Hahn and the Los Angeles City Council.

McArdle attended St. Robert Bellarmine and St. Francis Xavier

grade schools and graduated from Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy in

2002. She is a freshman at Loyola Marymount University, majoring in

international business law with a minor in Irish studies.

Molly Shore

Chabad hosts annual Purim party

MAGNOLIA PARK -- Chabad of Burbank will host its second annual

Purim party beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Burbank Realtors

Banquet Hall, 2006 W. Magnolia Blvd.

This festive holiday commemorates the escape of the Jewish people

from the Persian Empire nearly 2,400 years ago. It is celebrated by

sending food gifts to friends, giving charity to the poor and

partaking in a sumptuous feast. A scroll, known as the Megillah,

recounts the entire story of Purim and is read on this holiday.

Chabad will serve a full-course Israeli-style meal, including the

holiday’s traditional Haman tashen cookies.

All community members are welcome.

“This year especially, people can use a little extra joy,”

Shabad’s Outreach Director Rabbi Shmuly Kornfeld said. “We hope to

provide just that. We encourage everyone to participate.”

Molly Shore
