
Opinions mixed on war in Iraq

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Ben Godar

Many residents were reluctant to talk about the United States’

invasion of Iraq this week as they ran errands in downtown Burbank,

but those who did held a variety of opinions about the situation.

A 91-year-old Burbank woman who opposes the war declined to give

her name because she said her neighbors are hostile toward her

opinion. She said it seems leaders are seeking revenge for the 2001

terrorist attacks, but doesn’t think evidence supports the theory

that Iraq was involved in the attacks.

“I don’t think intelligent people respond by going out for

revenge,” she said.

A woman walking through the Media City Center Thursday was also

reluctant to talk about the situation. However, she pointed to her

toddler son, who was dressed in camouflage battle fatigues and

carrying a plastic machine gun, and said “that shows how I feel.”

That kind of enthusiasm for the war effort has not translated to

more traffic through the Army’s Burbank Recruiting Station in the

mall. Sgt. Fernando Rodriguez said the number of people stopping in

has been the same as it was before military action in Iraq began. Six

people stop by the station on the average day, and he said most are

just looking for information.

While some were reluctant to share their thoughts on the war,

51-year-old Emmanuel Castillo of Moreno Valley said he believes the

action is justified.

“I think President Bush has a valid reason for eliminating a

threat to peace,” he said.

Though he said he is not concerned that many nations do not

support the war, Castillo is concerned about how long the war might


“People think it will be short, but I don’t know about that,” he


Ignacio Pagliaro, a senior at Burbank High School, has

participated in several demonstrations against the war. He said the

actions by Iraq do not justify causing people to die.

“I agree Saddam Hussein is a bad man, but I think there could have

been a diplomatic way to resolve things,” he said.
