
Laura SturzaSome Burbank students are learning that...

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Laura Sturza

Some Burbank students are learning that doing their homework pays off

-- literally.

Through a new after-school program run by the Boys & Girls Club of

Burbank, Children are learning about earning and spending money at

Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School.

“We earn points [that are rewarded with club bucks] for doing our

homework,” said Stacey Deitch, 9, who is enjoying the “101

Dalmatians” DVD she bought.

The first- through fifth-graders cash in their bucks for snacks,

toys and books donated by local businesses.

“They have to know what they can afford and how to spend their

money,” said Shanna Vaughan, the club’s educational director.

The program started March 3 and has 50 stu- dents, but can serve

about 65. The leaders aim to provide a place that fosters students’

talents and helps improve their academic skills, Vaughan said.

“We’re working with the principal and curriculum advisor to find

out what areas the students need help with,” Vaughan said. “We

provide them with tutoring materials that come from their teachers.”

Along with completing homework, visiting the library and spending

time building computer skills, the students play sports and work on


Ariane Dalla Dea’s son Max, 8, used to attend the city’s

after-school program at Verdugo Park, but mother and son are pleased

to have switched to one at Max’s school.

“Here, they have access to the computer room and library, they

have access to desks,” Dalla Dea said. “It’s [also] less expensive.”

The Roosevelt program is staffed by Boys & Girls Club employees

who are assisted by volunteers from local high schools and the Joslyn

Adult Center. It pays for itself through its $90 monthly fees, which

include snacks and materials, Vaughan said.

The club also offers an after-school program at its home at 2244

N. Buena Vista St.

“We would like to offer more off-site locations by September,”

Vaughan said. “We’ve had a lot of interest from other schools, and

tons of parents calling us.”

For information about the Boys and Girls Club after-school

programs, call Vaughan at 395-4440.
