
Board choices should be Krekorian, Bunch I...

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Board choices should be Krekorian, Bunch

I was on the Burbank Board of Education from 1981 to 1993, serving

as the president several times. This experience gives me insight into

the workings of the current board.

Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that integrity has not been

sufficiently in evidence, particularly in the manner that the

dismissal of the superintendent was communicated to the community.

Nor has sufficient appreciation for the financial responsibility of

the board been demonstrated -- finding the district’s budgeting

process resulted in a shortfall of $3 million is not acceptable. To

my knowledge, at no time has the board -- individually or

collectively -- said anything that suggests it had fallen short of

its responsibilities, let alone apologize. As I look ahead to very

difficult financial times, I think it is extremely important for

three new people to be elected to the Board of Education. Dave Kemp

has already been elected, leaving two seats to be decided on Tuesday.

I will be voting for Paul Krekorian and Ted Bunch.

Krekorian will bring business and legal expertise to the board.

Bunch is very well-informed about the district’s programs and its

internal workings. Together, they will complement each other. I am

confident that they will put the interests of the students first and

restore integrity and financial responsibility to the district.


Burbank Board of Education

member, 1981 to 1993

Bric has shown his dedication for decades

In following your coverage of the Burbank City Council election, I

was inspired to share my memories of a young Gary Bric.

When I was editor of the former Burbank Daily Review, the young

Bric, then in his teens, would stop in the office to visit. He was

already interested in what was happening in this great city of ours.

Of course, council meetings were not on cable back then. But from

reading the Daily Review regularly and talking with his family, he

would ask potent questions on current affairs. Gary was already

showing a desire to be closer to the action.

I see a clear picture here -- the one candidate we know who has

been following city issues for more than three decades is the one who

has shown that he will do his homework.


