
Drug rehab house for sale HILLSIDE DISTRICT...

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Drug rehab house for sale

HILLSIDE DISTRICT -- The house at 437 Grinnell Drive that was

marketed in early 2002 as a sober living home is on the market.

Dilbeck Realtor Ugo Iacobellis said the house has been for sale

for about a month, and that there was no unusual conversion done on

the home. It is being marketed for residential use, Iacobellis said.

Residents voiced concern about the facility lowering property

values and about having a business in their residential neighborhood.

“You’re in a neighborhood where the profit is being made off of

the demise of our neighborhood,” said Mark Parsons, who lives on the


However, Parsons’ wife, Patricia, said clients never moved into

the house.

The home’s owner, Bob Ridenour, said last year it would cost

$7,500 per month for a stay at what was planned as a six-bed

residential rehab home named Pride and Serenity.

“[Recovering addicts] could spend the same amount and have privacy

and be in a secluded neighborhood,” Parsons said. “The publicity it

got scared them off.”

Ridenour did not return calls for comment.

Laura Sturza

Diabetes forum offered

MAGNOLIA PARK -- People 55 and older are invited to attend a free

diabetes wellness program today.

The event will cover the disease’s history, who is more likely to

develop it, symptoms, diagnosis and ways to control symptoms.

Registered Nurse and diabetic educator Sue Bermond will lead the


The free event is at 12:30 p.m. at the Joslyn Adult Center, 1301

W. Olive Ave. For information call 238-5353.

Laura Sturza

Disney honors June Pratte

MAGNOLIA PARK -- June Pratte is the recipient of the Walt Disney

Elementary School PTA Honorary Service Award for 2003. Pratte

received her award at a ceremony Monday evening at the school after

she received several nominations from teachers.

For the past 10 years, Pratte has volunteered her time each week

by reading to students and teaching the younger children the

alphabet. Pratte also performs clerical tasks at the school.

She originally began her volunteer work with district schools as a

member of the city’s Retired Seniors Volunteer Program.

Molly Shore

String of thefts at Warner Bros.

MEDIA DISTRICT WEST -- Security officials at Warner Bros. recently

reported a string of thefts on the lot to Burbank Police.

At least four thefts occurred on studio grounds during the course

of a week, studio officials told police Thursday. Among the stolen

items were two DVD players, a laptop computer, video game consoles

and a watch, police said.

The thefts all appeared to be crimes of opportunity, in which

someone notices an item left unattended and takes it, police said.

The items were stolen from several locations, including offices and

conference rooms, police said.

Crimes are very rare on the lot, and police said the same person

might have been responsible for all of the incidents. As of late

Tuesday, no arrests had been made in the case.

Ben Godar

Masons honor teachers of the year

HILLSIDE DISTRICT -- Members of Burbank Masonic Lodge No. 406 and

Magnolia Park Lodge No. 618 will honor the district’s three teachers

of the year -- Dennis Danielson of McKinley Elementary School, Vicki

Thalheimer of Luther Burbank Middle School and Mary Rago of Burroughs

High School -- at their 84th annual Public School Observance on


The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Burbank Masonic Center, 406

E. Irving Drive.

In addition to honoring the teachers, the fourth- and fifth-grade

chorus at Jefferson Elementary School will perform musical

selections, followed by performances by the Luther Middle School

Madrigal Choir and the Burbank High School Impressions vocal group.

The free event is open to the public.

Molly Shore

Environmental lawsuit settled

BURBANK -- The City of Burbank reached a settlement in a federal

Clean Air Act lawsuit filed last year.

The city agreed to spend $10,000 to improve air quality in the

city in a manner that has not been determined, said Scott Kuhn, legal

director for Communities for a Better Environment.

The group filed the lawsuit with Our Children’s Earth Foundation.

The groups claimed the city and eight other defendants did not

meet standards for reducing pollution set by the Air Quality

Management District and approved by the Federal Clean Air Act.

The city also agreed to take other pollution reducing measures to

resolve the lawsuit, Kuhn said.

Laura Sturza

Frank Lloyd Wright play comes to town

HILLSIDE DISTRICT -- Playwright and actor John Crowther brings his

one-man show, “F.LL.W.: The Tragedies and Triumphs of Frank Lloyd

Wright,” to Woodbury University on Sunday.

The evening begins with cocktails and a buffet reception at 6

p.m., followed by the play at 6:45 p.m. Coffee and dessert will be

served following the performance.

The play examines Wright’s life, from personal adversities and

professional setbacks to design innovations and architectural


Cost is $50 per person for the entire evening, or $25 for the

presentation and dessert. Proceeds benefit the university’s Library


For tickets, call 767-0888, ext. 230. Tickets will also be

available at the door.

Woodbury University is at 7500 Glenoaks Blvd.

Molly Shore

Donations collected for fire victim

MEDIA DISTRICT NORTH -- Parks, Recreation and Community Services

employees based at McCambridge Park are collecting donations for a

co-worker who lost most of her possessions in a recent fire.

Carolyn “Punkey” Stevens’ home suffered an estimated $250,000 in

damage during the April 1 blaze, fire officials said. Investigators

believe the fire began when a refrigerator in a garage malfunctioned.

People are asked to donate clothes, jackets, gift certificates and

cash. Items are being accepted at the McCambridge Recreation Center,

1515 N. Glenoaks Blvd. For more information, call the center at


Ben Godar
